More changes to the 2018 sheriff ’ s promotional exams
In November 2016 , the New Jersey Civil Service Commission ( NJ CSC ) made major changes to the sheriff ’ s promotional examinations for sergeants , lieutenants and captains . Those changes were the result of a job analysis study initiated by the NJ CSC that engaged incumbents from each rank during three phases of the study . Each phase of the study represented a unique aspect of the process that the NJ CSC used to identify critical tasks , knowledge , skills and abilities for each rank . Ultimately , the critical work components and potential source material were revised for the entire title series . Most notably , the “ multiple-choice ” format was eliminated on the sheriff ’ s lieutenant and captain examinations administered in 2017 , and the tests were comprised solely of the new “ short answer ” and “ essay ” format .
The NJ CSC has announced that it will tentatively administer the next sheriff ’ s promotional examinations in May of 2018 . For the 2018 exams , the NJ CSC has again revised the content and format . This article summarizes the most recent and most significant changes that will impact the upcoming exams .
Source material for the examination
In 2017 , the NJ CSC changed the “ listed ” sources for all three Sheriff ’ s Officer Promotional Examination Orientation Guides . Those changes remain and include the New Jersey Attorney General Guidelines , Management and Supervision of Law Enforcement Personnel , 5th Edition by Donald J . Schroeder and Frank Lombardo and Title 2C . For 2018 , the lieutenant ’ s and captain ’ s examinations also list the Constitution and case law in their orientation guides , which has not specifically appeared as a listed source in many years . Since these changes were prompted by the recent study , it is important to note that the orientation guides states that “[ t ] he development of all test questions will not be restricted to these sources .” The new sources are welcome additions to the orientation guides because they are practical materials commonly used by incumbent supervisors , regardless of assignment .
Changes for sergeants
The 2017 revision of the listed “ critical work components ” on the orientation guide for the sergeant ’ s examination remains for 2018 . Six components are now measured , compared to new
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