Congress passes PROTECT Our Children Act
In a victory for NAPO, Congress passed the Providing
Resources, Officers and Technology to Eradicate Cyber
Threats to (PROTECT) Our Children Act of 2017 on Oct.
26. The bill was sent to the president to be signed into
law. NAPO was instrumental in getting the House Judi-
ciary Committee, which had been holding the bill, to
bring it to a vote. Because the House amended the bill slightly, it
must go through the Senate again for final passage before it can
become law.
The legislation was sponsored by Senators John Cornyn (R-Tex-
as) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut), as well as Congress-
woman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida). It reauthorizes the
Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program, a national
network of 61 coordinated task forces representing more than 3,500
federal, state and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agen-
cies. These groups engage in proactive and reactive investigations
and prosecutions of persons involved in child abuse and exploita-
tion involving the internet.
These task forces also provide forensic and investigative techni-
cal assistance to law enforcement and prosecutors, and they help
educate parents, educators, prosecutors, law enforcement officers
and others concerned about child exploitation.
NAPO on the Hill: Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights
NAPO recently met with staff members for Senate Law Enforce-
ment Caucus Co-Chair Senator Roy Blunt (R-Missouri) to discuss
reintroducing the Law Enforcement Officers’ Procedural Bill of
Rights Act. The bill would help law enforcement agencies develop
standards for a fair and effective investigative process. It would en-
sure that individuals have the right to file a complaint, to have the
complaint investigated and to be informed of its final disposition,
including the outcome of the investigation and any dis-
ciplinary action that may result.
Many of NAPO’s members are facing attacks on their
due process rights from activists who believe that those
rights given to officers — either through their collective
bargaining agreements or their state’s law enforcement
officers’ bill of rights — create a double standard and give officers
undue protections against criminal investigations.
Not all states have coherent guidelines and procedures for law
enforcement officers’ due process rights. Officers are held to an ex-
tremely high standard of personal and professional conduct, due to
the enormous responsibilities they exercise. However, in only half
of all states do officers have some legal protection against false ac-
cusations and abusive conduct. This leaves hundreds of thousands
of legal officers with limited or no due process, as well as many who
face limitations or retaliation when exercising these rights.
NAPO argues that taking away an officer’s due process rights
is not the way to improve police accountability and responsibili-
ty. The bill of rights act would ensure that all states have at least a
minimum of standards and procedures in place to guide both state
and local law enforcement agencies and officers during internal
investigations, administrative hearings and evaluation of citizen
Senator Blunt’s staff members communicated that while he
would support the legislation, sponsoring it would be difficult for
him given the current tension in Missouri between law enforce-
ment and the community. They did help strategize other possible
Republican sponsors and offered support in other ways. NAPO will
continue to try to find a member of Congress who will fight for offi-
cers’ due process rights. d
The Law Firm of
Alterman & Associates, LLC
Stuart J. Alterman, Esquire
Jeffrey S. Ziegelheim, Esquire
Arthur J. Murray, Esquire
Proudly representing Law Enforcement and Public Safety for a combined 80 years
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One Stop Shop for Public Safety
Alterman & Associates, LLC have been an approved law firm with the PBA Legal Protection Plan since its inception.
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(856) 334-5737
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(973) 956-1621
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■ NOVEMBER 2017 21