NJ Cops March2018 | Page 14

PENSION BENEFITS REPORT How the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan affects PFRS members I have been fielding a lot of questions regard- ing tier structure within the PFRS lately. Last month, I wrote an article explaining the tier levels and how our retirement system classifies our members based upon when they were en- rolled into the Police and Fire Retirement Sys- tem (PFRS). Tier 1 encompasses all the mem- bers who were enrolled into the PFRS prior to May 21, 2010. Tier 2 comprises those members enrolled on or before May 21, 2010 to June 28, 2011. Tier 3 members are all of our members enrolled after June 28, 2011. I want to further inform our readers that there is an addition- al pension that Tier 2 and Tier 3 members will receive, should they decide to voluntarily enroll. That additional pension is the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. The Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCRP) was es- tablished for PFRS members when Governor Christie signed Ch. 1 P.L 2010 into law, creating Tier 2 of the PFRS when it took effect on May 21, 2010. Tier 3 members were created when Gov- ernor Christie signed Ch. 78 P.L 2011 into law, and it took effect on June 28, 2011. 14 NEW JERSEY COPS ■ MARCH 2018 Under this law, a Tier 2 or Tier 3 member who surpasses the annual maximum salary in any year can become a participant of the Defined Contribution Retirement Program, unless the member chooses to waive participation in the DCRP. If a mem- ber decides to waive participation and wants to join at a later date, the member can apply to enroll at that time, and mem- bership into the DCRP would become effective on Jan. 1 of the following calendar year. For the 2018 calendar year, the maximum compensation lim- it based on Social Security deductions is $128,400. The amount that is earned in excess of $128,400 will have an employee con- tribution of 5.5 percent into the DCRP. Employers will be re- sponsible for the DCRP’s matching 3 percent contribution. In other words, if a Tier 2 or Tier 3 member is currently earning $133,400, the excess — which in this case is $5,000 — would be placed into the DCRP. The Tier 2 or Tier 3 member would then contribute 5.5 percent, and the employer would make a 3 per- cent contribution on the $5,000. Those members who participate in the DCRP and have sal- aries above the maximum salary limit of $128,400 for 2018 will receive additional income in addition to the PFRS pension through the DCRP, based on the amount of money invested. In other words, when a Tier 3 member retires in 25 years, he or she will receive 60 percent of the average salary upon which pen- sion contributions were based for any three fiscal years before retirement that provides the largest possible benefit, plus the excess salary that has been invested into the DCRP during the years that he or she has participated in the Defined Contribu- tion Retirement Plan. When an active PFRS member becomes a participant in the DCRP, that member will be eligible for life insurance from the DCRP as well as PFRS. The active PFRS member enrolled in the DCRP is covered by employer-paid life insurance, payable to their designated beneficiaries in the amount of 1.5 times the an- nual base salary on which DCRP contributions were based. This coverage is available without a medical examination to mem- bers under age 60. Newly enrolled members 60 years of age or older must undergo a medical examination to join. Members enrolled in the DCRP will continue to be insured for up to two years if they are on an approved leave of absence without pay for personal illness. Upon retirement, life insurance under the DCRP is reduced to 3/16 of the annual base salary on which DCRP contributions were based. This life insurance coverage is available in retire- ment to PFRS members enrolled in the DCRP who are age 60 or older. If the member has completed 10 years of participation in the DCRP (or is enrolled in the DCRP, at any age, as long as the member has completed 25 years of participation in the pen- sion systems), he or she will be eligible for the life insurance. The member must also have been an active employee in the 12 months before getting the first payment of a retirement annuity from the DCRP in order to qualify for the benefit. As always, I am available at the State PBA office should you have any further questions on this topic. d