NJ Cops March19 | Page 6

CONTENTS ON THE COVER: 155 Willowbrook Ave., Suite 230, Wayne, NJ 07470 36 “The Voice of New Jersey Law Enforcement” Strike a Bargain www.njcopsmagazine.com MARCH 2019 Bargaining is back Locals getting back to the table with a new outlook and new tools for collective bargaining The opportunity to negotiate collective bargain- ing agreements is back for NJ State PBA Locals, now that the 2-percent arbitration cap is no longer in effect. As a result, a record number of members came to the 2019 NJSPBA Collective Bargaining Seminar to learn the latest and greatest techniques for increasing salaries and benefi ts and getting the best deals possible. MITCHELL KRUGEL Editor and Publisher [email protected] DAN RAPPOPORT Sales Director [email protected] Art Director [email protected] AMBER RAMUNDO Staff Writer [email protected] ED CARATTINI JR. PBA Photographer [email protected] [email protected] KIMBERLY FLYNN ANNE KOSTUCHIK Statements of the union Having been elected to a new three-year term, NJ State PBA President Pat Colligan and Execu- tive Vice President Marc Kovar off er a state of the union and what to look forward to during the next three years ........................................................................................................................................... Page 32 Cranford honors one of its own Cranford Local 52 embraced 15-year-old Raymond Schwartz, swearing him in as an honorary offi cer before he lost his battle to cancer ........................................................................................... Page 46 Playing to the crowd Jersey’s Strongest PBA hockey team put on a memorable show for members and off ered a memorable tribute during its annual Mini Convention game .................................................... Page 48 Copy Editors BRITTANY KRUGEL Editorial Intern [email protected] DEANNA HUNTER Director of Operations [email protected] If you have a news tip or a press release, email information to [email protected] MARCH 2019 ■ Vol. 23 No. 3 Polar Energy PBA members once again rushed the Polar Bear Plunge for Special Olympics with unprecedented participation, enthusiasm and fundraising. This special report spotlights the participants’ stories and shows their amazing plunge style. 12 pages of coverage begins on Page 53 Also in this issue President’s Message ................................Page 4 Executive Vice President ........................Page 7 The 4-1-1 ......................................................Page 8 PBA Legal Corner ...................................Page 10 Legislative Report ..................................Page 12 Convention Update ..............................Page 14 LPP Report ...............................................Page 16 Collective Bargaining Report ............ Page 18 Local 600 ...................................................Page 22 PFRS Update ............................................Page 20 Corrections ..............................................Page 24 NEW JERSEY COPS 201-880-7288 201-410-1721 201-370-4082 201-410-1721 [email protected] [email protected] www.njcopsmagazine.com [email protected] GINA CROTCHFELT COVER ILLUSTRATION BY ED CARATTINI JR. AND GINA CROTCHFELT 6 Main Number Advertising: Editorial: Distribution: Subscriptions: Email: Website: Submissions: ■ MARCH 2019 NAPO Report ...........................................Page 28 Response Time .......................................Page 30 Around The State ...................................Page 68 Training .....................................................Page 72 Firearms ....................................................Page 74 Finance ......................................................Page 75 Mental Health and Wellness ..............Page 77 All in the Family ......................................Page 85 Member Benefi ts ...................................Page 86 New Jersey COPS, known also as NJ Cops Magazine, is a monthly publication dedicated to law enforcement and criminal justice pro- fessionals operating in the State of New Jersey. ©2019 KRURAPP COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Reproduction of any part of this magazine without express written permission is prohibited. Subscription rate: $25 per year. Send address subscription inquiries to subs@ NJCops-Magazine.com. Reader comments and editorial submissions are welcome, but neither the Publisher (Krurapp Communications, Inc.) nor the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association (NJSPBA) assume any responsibility for the return of unsolicited material. The acceptance of advertisements by New Jersey COPS does not constitute an endorsement of the product or services ad- vertised. Neither the Publisher, the NJSPBA, or any of their offi cers and/or employees, make any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fi tness, for a particular pur- pose, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, service provider or process included in any advertisement or editori- al content. The views and opinions of any advertiser or third-party content contributor do not necessarily state or refl ect those of either the Publisher or the NJSPBA, and may not be used for advertising or endorsement purposes. New Jersey COPS, its Publishers and/or the NJSPBA assume no fi nancial responsibility for errors in adver- tisements.