Michael L. Bilof, M.D.
Medical Director,
Bariatric Services Program at Deborah
Q: I went through a very stressful period in my
life five years ago, and I ate a lot to help me cope.
Things have evened out in my life and now it’s a
lot easier, but I currently weigh 340 pounds at 5-foot-11 tall and
have diabetes. I’ve tried a lot of diets and do exercise a little
(when I can — it’s hard to move this size body around!), but I just
can’t lose weight. My doctor says my weight, which caused my
diabetes, is making it even worse, and that my heart is showing
signs of stress (now I also have atrial fibrillation). I’m really des-
perate for some way to help me lose weight!
-Harvey G., Matawan
A: Harvey, Deborah Heart and Lung Center’s Bariatric Program
was created for patients just like you. People who are severely
overweight — with a body mass index (BMI) over 40 — are auto-
matically candidates for weight-loss surgery like gastric bypass,
gastric sleeve and duodenal switch surgical procedures, as part
of an overall program focusing on nutrition, healthy living and
exercise. Based on your weight and height, your BMI is 47.4. This
factor — combined with your diabetes and cardiac arrhythmia —
definitely qualifies you for consideration of weight loss surgery.
Here is a link to calculate your BMI:
Deborah has partnered with the surgical weight loss experts at
Garden State Bariatrics and Wellness Center to bring this service
to the hospital. Don’t be discouraged—there’s hope! Give me a
call, and I’m sure I can come up with a plan that works for you.
For an appointment or more information about how Debo-
rah Heart and Lung Center’s leading-edge technologies can im-
prove your quality of life or to request info or an appointment:
call 855-646-3484 or visit
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