Verona’s Christmas-in-character
tradition continues
Sticking to a Verona Local 72 tradition of 41 years, members
traded their uniforms for some annual Christmas fun to bring
cheer, happiness and lots of laughs to children with special
needs. A group of Local 72 officers assumed new roles for the
day by dressing up in colorful character costumes for some un-
dercover holiday activity.
On the day of the highly anticipated “costume trip,” Santa
Claus, an elf, Mickey Mouse and a bunch of trolls loaded into
a Verona police vehicle to carpool to schools across the town
where kids with autism and Down syndrome eagerly awaited
their visit.
The Verona Local 72 “Costume Trip” was started in 1976 by
retired Verona Captain Fred DiStefano. Every holiday season, of-
ficers volunteer to trade in their badges and guns to dress as var-
ious cartoon figures and holiday characters in order to provide
the community uplifting fun with the cops.
“It has been a longstanding tradition with the PBA to keep this
event going,” explained Lieutenant Robert Shafer, who coordi-
nates the event each year. “The kids love it, the teachers think it’s
hilarious and the parents appreciate what we do every year.” d
Verona Local 72’s bearded brigade
Members of Verona Local 72 made a pact this November to put
down their foamy shaving cream and their razors to participate in
“No-Shave November” for the first time.
The Local’s monthlong beard growing commitment raised $1,670
for “No-Shave November,” which rallies for cancer support, research
and awareness. The funds were then presented to Minette’s Angels, a
breast cancer foundation based in Verona.
Minette’s Angels offers scholarships to second-year nursing stu-
dents at Seton Hall University’s College of Nursing, as well as Verona
students entering the medical field.
“It’s an awesome charity to donate to and I will be participating
next year,” stated Detective TJ Conroy. “But, having a full beard is way
too itchy for me.” d
■ DECEMBER 2017 81