Valor Awards
Beyond the Valor
The NJ State PBA annually takes an opportunity at the Valor Awards to recognize and show
appreciation to friends who gone above and beyond to help the organization and its mem-
bers. On behalf of all PBA members, thanks to:
The chair of the Assembly Law and Public Safety Com-
mittee, Benson has been a leader by action and by voice to
support law enforcement. Among the many bills he has spon-
sored is Assembly Bill 109, which
Legislator of the Year
proposed a constitutional amend-
The Honorable
ment to require payments by the
Daniel R. Benson
state of NJ to state-administered
retirement systems, such as PFRS,
14th Legislative District
and establish in the constitution
the right of public employees to
pension benefits and to provide for enforcement of funding
obligations and benefits rights.
The efforts from Sereni and
Vrba to bring a superior lev-
el of comfort to PBA members
Judy Sereni and Dennis Vrba
attending meetings, seminars,
Caesar’s Atlantic City
Mini Conventions and events at
this first-class resort is second to
none. Cold water, hot coffee, favorable room rates – many
thanks to Caesar’s for making sure that every detail is cov-
Business Appreciation
A two-time recipient of this honor, Burgos was recognized
upon his retirement as STFA President. He has helped bring
NJ State Troopers together with State PBA members to build
a united voice that comes through
Friend in Labor
loud and clear to legislators in
Christopher J. Burgos
Trenton and throughout the state.
Burgos is retiring from the STFA,
NJ State Troopers
but he’s not going far. He is taking
Fraternal Association
a position with the State Troopers
NCO organization as executive di-
rector and plans to continue working with the PBA to advo-
cate for all law enforcement officers.
Business Appreciation
Charles “Charlie” Ciani
P.C. Richard & Son
Few businesses have supported
the NJ State PBA like P.C. Richard
& Son, which annually donates
merchandise for raffles at the
Mini Convention each year, as
well as many other fundraisers
that PBA Locals run.