Valor Awards
Armed robbery arrest in Eatontown
On Dec. 20, 2016,
Eatontown officers re-
Patrolman Kevin Licknack
sponded to a report of an
Patrolman Kenneth Errickson
armed robbery at the All
Patrolman Matthew Fix
Town Pharmacy. As they
Patrolman Matthew Schou
arrived and took up po-
Eatontown Local 305
sitions around the build-
ing, a subject emerged
from the business dressed in dark clothing. A by-
stander alerted officers that the man had a gun.
During the ensuing foot chase, the man turned
and fired at the officers. The suspect then made his
way to a vehicle and attempted to run down Officer
Licknack, who fired back at the vehicle in an attempt
to stop the driver and save his own life. The vehicle
fled the area in an unknown direction.
Several hours later, NYPD received a report of a
31-year-old man from Eatontown at a local New York
hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg. After investigating further, the suspect was arrested and extradited to New Jersey on
$1.5 million bail. d
Unit Citations
Officers and detectives respond
to train crash
At 8:45 a.m. on
Sept. 29, 2016, New
Detective William Collins
Jersey Transit Train
Detective Vito Gigante
Detective Brett Globke
bumper block and
Detective Andrew Perez
went through a rail
Detective David DiMartino
concourse. The train
Detective Wilfredo Gomez
crashed at Hoboken
Detective Robert Roman
Terminal during the
Officer Mark Aurigemma
morning rush hour,
Officer Bernardo Munoz
leaving 114 people in-
Hoboken Local 2
jured and one dead.
Among the first to arrive on scene were Hobo-
ken Detectives Collins, Gigante, Globke, Perez,
DiMartino, Gomez and Roman and Officers Auri-
gemma and Munoz.
Despite an unstable scene that included a col-
lapsing roof and exposed electrical wires, the de-
tectives and officers ran into the train cars to ren-
der aid and rescue the train passengers. Disregarding their personal safety, the detectives and officers worked to clear the train
cars and platforms to prevent any further injuries or deaths before returning to safety themselves. d
Unit Citations