Valor Awards
Executive Board Member of the Year Patrick Moran Berkeley Heights Local 144 NJ State PBA Trustee
Above Board
When it comes to defining the ideal NJ State PBA member , Pat Moran checks off every box – and then some :
�Loyal detective for Berkeley Heights Police Department . Check .
�Dedicated Local 144 State Delegate who always puts the needs and concerns of members first . Check .
�Reliable PBA Executive Board member . Check .
Pat Moran does it all . He ’ s active on every level of the union , from driving to Baton Rouge to support fallen officers to distributing 50 / 50 raffle tickets at almost every PBA event , it ’ s no surprise that NJ State PBA President Pat Colligan would announce to a room full of members at the PBA Valor Awards who all know Moran as the “ can-do ” guy of the union , “ I have never once had Pat Moran say no .”
And it was a shock to no one when Moran was named the Executive Board Member of the Year .
“ You need to support the organization ,” Moran stated after receiving the award . “ That ’ s what ( we ) were ultimately sworn in to do : to serve all of our brothers and sisters .”
Flaunting his notoriously humble and all-too modest character , Moran credits his union leadership to two very important people in his life : his wife Kristine , and Chief John DiPasquale .
“ My wife and the chief are like my two pillars ,” Moran stressed . “ When I have a green light at home and a green light at work , it makes all the difference .”
After 11 years of dedicated contribution to the PBA as State Delegate for Local 144 and three years of serving as an Executive Board Trustee , Moran has become a source of knowledge and support for members across the state . In Moran ’ s mind , he ’ s simply exercising his responsibility to serve the blue brotherhood .
To understand the true scope of his influence , it ’ s necessary to hear it from those who work closely with Moran on a daily basis and can vouch for the above-and-beyond effort he puts into his service .
“ He ’ s in it for the concerns of not only our Local , but any other law enforcement officer in need ,” shared Local 144 Vice President Trent Fettes . “ Whether it be Cop2Cop , Princeton House or resources in Florida , Pat ’ s always at the forefront of getting officers the assistance they need to get back on track .”
Local 144 President Edward Gaffney added : “ He ’ s selfless . He treats this whole PBA like a brotherhood . You need something ? Pat knows somebody . Or , if he doesn ’ t , he knows
somebody who can put them in touch with the right person . You need legal guidance or a PBA contract issue ? He knows the guy to go to .”
It ’ s his willingness to be a resource for all PBA members at all hours that leads Fettes and Gaffney to believe Moran has saved more lives than anyone else they know .
“ If somebody is in trouble or going down the wrong path , he saves them from losing their job ,” Fettes explained . “ That ’ s what really makes him great . Anybody can be a good street cop , but it takes a special skill set to keep your phone on 24 / 7 and pick it up when anybody calls .”
Not many members are able to balance their contribution to the PBA on both the Local and state level quite like Moran does . In fact , it ’ s easy to forget that when he ’ s not providing support and information to members of his Local , or meeting with the PBA Bylaws , Collective Bargaining or Sports and Special Events committees , or riding with the PBA trailer to funerals for fallen officers across the country , Moran has a job of his own to do as a leading member of Local 144 . But somehow , Moran finds a way to do it all , quietly changing lives and making a difference without ever asking for recognition .
“ It gives me great comfort that the needs of our officers are being handled by Pat ,” DiPasquale confided . “ I ’ m blessed to be part of a police department that has a lot of hard working officers . Nobody works harder than Pat Moran .” d