Reaching great heights for Special Olympics Upper Saddle River Local 218 soars at its Second Annual Climb with a Cop event
Reaching great heights for Special Olympics Upper Saddle River Local 218 soars at its Second Annual Climb with a Cop event
The torch of hope illuminating the faces inspired Anthony Pulizzano to give more.
The Upper Saddle River Local 218 member had helped raise funds for the Special Olympics of New Jersey( SONJ) for several years through various law enforcement events. But he had never been brought closer to the cause than when he was asked to carry the flame into The College of New Jersey stadium for the SONJ 2015 Opening Ceremony.
“ It was one of the best experiences of my life,” Pulizzano stated.“ I saw the reactions from all of the Special Olympic athletes and how much it means to them to have the police community’ s support. They look at officers like superheroes.”
Ever since then, Pulizzano knew that he wanted to host his own effort to give back to the organization that has such a positive impact on Special Olympic athletes. On March 31, Pulizzano proudly accomplished that goal by leading the Second Annual Climb with a Cop fundraising event to support SONJ.
On the morning of the event, 18 officers representing NJ State PBA Locals from across the state arrived at the Gravity Vault indoor climbing facility to prepare for a day of climb and assist. The officers practiced using the climbing equipment and participated in belay drills one hour prior to the event’ s 10 a. m. start, when the facility doors opened to members of the community looking to support a good cause while spending a day at the wall with law enforcement.
“ We’ re a very community-oriented Local,” Pulizzano noted.“ Doing an event where the kids get to come and interact with the officers is important because we can develop relationships with the kids and the families.”
More than $ 3,500 was raised to benefit SONJ through entry fees and T-shirt sales, as a crowd of all ages took their turn climbing with the cops. Officer volunteers included SONJ board member Meg Hammond from Raritan Township Local 337 and Andrew Pacucci from Bergen County Sheriff’ s Department Local 134. Local 134 has partnered with Upper Saddle River Local 218 on many occasions to raise money and get involved in charitable events like this one.
Montvale Local 303 and Bernards Township Local 357 members also helped out at the event by running various climbing stations on the wall, ranging from easy to difficult. Children ages 5 and up were encouraged to find their footing on the climbing rock by putting their trust in the belay-certified officers, who helped guide them to reach the limits within their comfort zone.
“ There were a lot of different groups of kids,” Pulizzano explained.“ We would give them positive reinforcement and try to help them by telling them what rocks to put their feet on and grab.”
From the fearless to the more hesitant climbers, Pulizzano and the other Climb with a Cop officers enjoyed working with each child to help them rise to the challenge while ensuring that they had their back along the way.
“ At the end of the day, you want it to be fun,” stressed Pulizzano, who plans to increase the impact of the Climb with a Cop event each year.“ The main goal is to raise money for the Special Olympics. It doesn’ t matter how much work I have to put into it, it’ s something that I’ m going to continue for a long time.” d
Officer volunteers from Upper Saddle River Local 218, Bergen County Sheriff’ s Department Local 134, Montvale Local 303, Raritan Township Local 337 and Bernards Township Local 357 participate in belay training to help make the Second Annual Climb with a Cop event an overwhelming success.
Upper Saddle River Local 218 member and event organizer Anthony Pulizzano prepares young climbers for their journey up the wall.