Team spirit
Livingston Local 263 showed some
town pride at MetLife Stadium, where
the team sported Livingston High
School’s Lancers jerseys. The uniform
pick was made possible by retired Lo-
cal 263 Sergeant Ron Barbella, who
now works on Livingston’s Recreational
Board in charge of athletics.
When Livingston decided to regis-
ter for the Snow Bowl for the first time,
Barbella took on the role of team coach
and helped his blue brothers in law en-
forcement go green to represent Living-
ston’s colors.
“We’re representing the high school,
as well as the union, as well as the Lo-
cal,” noted Local 263 member Joseph
Wnek, who was excited to play in the
Special Olympics event alongside the
other Livingston officers.
“We’re a good PBA. We’re unified.
We all get along,” Wnek also noted, as
his team started its second game of
the tournament against Essex County
Sheriffs Local 183. “We have a great va-
riety of talent.”
As the first whistle blew, Wnek no-
ticed a familiar face on the opposing
team and shouted a warm “hello” to
the Local 183 members whom he often
passes on I-280 near Newark.
“We all work together,” Wnek
confirmed. “For the next 30 minutes,
we’re opponents. But together, we’re a
team.” d
■ APRIL 2018 67