Snow Bowl X11
Play Action
Charity, competition and camaraderie bring PBA members
together to have a ball at Snow Bowl XII
When Passaic County Prosecutors Office Local 265 members
carried on the Snow Bowl tradition of running with their Spe-
cial Olympian teammate into the end zone, the exhilaration
that makes this event so meaningful filled MetLife Stadium
to the top row of section 348. The thrill-a-minute experience
gushed every minute, from the Hail Mary pass on the last play
of the game that caused East Rutherford Local 275 to fall sec-
onds short of the playoffs, to Essex County Sheriffs Local 183’s
sudden-death goal-line stand, to Passaic County Sheriffs Local
286 raising $5,000 for the cause, to a near showdown between
Local 286 and its correction officers brothers from Passaic
County Corrections Officers Local 197 for the A Division cham-
The thrill-seeking personified the Snow Bowl’s Law Enforce-
ment divisions for this XII edition like it has every year. Being
postponed until March 24 because of, ironically, snow, only
made it more thrilling.
There was the thrill of playing for, and with, Special Olympi-
ans for the more than 30 teams from PBA Locals that partici-
pated. There was the thrill of being on the turf at MetLife, where
Giants play the game. There was the thrill of victory, which
takes on special meaning when law enforcement officers play
flag football – or anything – against other officers.
And there was the ex-thrill-eration of coming together,
bonding for the cause to raise funds and raise a feeling that
can’t come often enough for law enforcement.
■ APRIL 2018
Passaic County Corrections Officers Local 197 Captain Shawn Turner (wear-
ing hat) brings his team together after defeating Essex County Sheriffs Offi-
cers & Court Attendants Local 183 in the title game.
“The motivation is the cause. And we all love football,” ex-
plains Chazz Gonzalez, team captain for Local 286. “It’s very
competitive because we want the bragging rights. And we get
to play at MetLife Stadium, and it’s for charity. That’s what we’re
here for – the brotherhood.”
Make no mistake, though: the brotherhood can ball. Each of
the top finishers in the two law enforcement divisions – Local
197 won the A group and Toms River Local 137 finished second
in the B group – related that the closeness of their departments,
the dedication to the team is what made the difference.
The defining image for Pro Bowl XII could have been the Lo-
cal 197 huddle following its 26-0 victory over Local 183. Team
captain Shawn Turner summoned members together and re-
minded them of how they finally won the championship after
being the top-seeded team going into the playoffs the past six
years but coming up short each time.