NJ Cops April2018 | Page 52

National Police Week Schedule 2018
National Police Week Schedule 2018
Saturday , May 12 Police Unity Tour Arrival Ceremony The arrival ceremony will begin at 2 p . m . at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . To learn more about the Police Unity Tour , visit www . policeunitytour . com , call 973-443-0030 or email info @ unitytour . com for more information .
National Police Week 5K The National Police Week 5K , hosted by the Officer Down Memorial Page , includes thousands of runners and walkers – who will be joined by virtual runners around the world – to honor the memory of fallen law enforcement officers . Race begins at 9 a . m . Visit www . nationalpoliceweek5k . com for more information and registration .
Sunday , May 13 30th Annual Candlelight Vigil The Candlelight Vigil will be held at 8 p . m . at the National Mall between 4th and 7th streets . The event is sponsored by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . No tickets are required , and everyone is welcome . For additional information , call 202-737-3400 .
Monday , May 14 National Police Survivors Conference and C . O . P . S . Kids / Teens
After nearly a year , they heard early in 2018 that Vidro ’ s passing was indeed a LODD . The NLEOM emailed that his name would be added to Memorial wall , and that he would be honored during Police Week .
As part of the recognition , MSUPD will send its honor guard to Police Week . Barrett and Giardino will be escorting Toni , Dylan and Megan to the Vigil , and Chief Cell will be there with other members of the department . Former MSUPD Officer Eric Heller , who in March was sworn in as the Harding chief , will ride the Police Unity Tour for Vidro .
For Vidro , this will be a return to Police Week . He attended several times before he got sick because he felt it meant so much to law enforcement .
“ I started the journey with Chris , and this is another step in the journey ,” Barrett commented . “ He would feel honored that people have remembered him like this . He never gave up and he should expect no less from us .”
Sponsored by Concerns of Police Survivors ( C . O . P . S .) at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center Hotel , family and co-worker survivors have opportunities to receive support to understand grief , learn coping skills and build connections with others . Visit www . nationalcops . org or call 573-346-4911 for more information .
The 25th Annual TOP COPS Awards Dinner Sponsored by the National Association of Police Organizations , Tops Cops pays tribute to law enforcement officers in federal , state , county , tribal and local agencies from across the country for actions above and beyond the call of duty during the preceding year . The dinner will be held at 7 p . m . at the Omni Shoreham Hotel .
Tuesday , May 15 37th Annual National Peace Officers ’ Memorial Service The memorial service will be held on the west front of the U . S . Capitol in Washington , D . C . The service begins at 11 a . m . and is expected to run approximately two hours . The Wreath Laying Ceremony will be held immediately following the memorial service . Washington Nationals Law Enforcement Appreciation Night
The Washington Nationals baseball team welcomes law enforcement officers from around the country to this game against the New York Yankees .
To honor the 10th anniversary of Vidro ’ s passing , this past December the MSUPD invited Toni , Dylan and Megan to present the department ’ s member of the year award that has been named for Chris . Toni said that the officers who continue to be his brothers and sisters were a little freaked out by how much Dylan looks like his dad .
They talk about him so much around the house that Megan feels like she knows her father . And that might be the greatest gift of this honor , that Dylan and Megan will see how much of a hero Chris was .
“ They have always known why they lost their dad but seeing a memorial like this and seeing his name there , it will mean so much to them ,” Toni expressed . “ It will mean a lot to remember him as the guy who was always smiling even when he went through everything .”
There ’ s no doubt that this trip to Police Week and this honor will confirm what so many people have always known about Christopher Vidro : He was one of the good guys . d
wasn ’ t going to do it again , but then I heard her story .” The ride was better that year . Jillian had a bike fit specifically for her , and she knew what to expect .
But the memorial arrival was still emotional . This time , Jillian had a family of survivors waiting for her , including Rosemary ’ s son who asked Jillian to read what was carved into her Police Unity Tour bracelet . Jillian uttered his mother ’ s name with tears in her eyes and embraced the child like her own .
Apparently , Jillian has learned from her father that the moments with the survivors are what has kept him riding even into his ‘ 60s .
“ I know how much it means to the families to keep their loved ones in our hearts ,” he stressed . “ From the time I come back in May , I ’ m thinking about doing it the next year .”
The call to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice has brought Jillian back as well , as she prepares for her third Police Unity Tour departure on May 9 where she ’ ll ride for Elise Ann Ybarra of the Abilene Police Department in Texas . Ken ’ s 18th ride will be in honor of Brian Shaw , a 25-year-old from New Kensington Police Department in Pennsylvania .
Even though their wrists will display bracelets with different names carved into them , Ken and Jillian will pedal united alongside their brothers and sisters who are all in it for the long haul to remember the fallen heroes who died in the line of duty to protect and serve .
“ There ’ s some officers who do the job for a paycheck and then there ’ s people who do it because it ’ s a calling ,” Ken explained . “ What I see when I do the Unity Tour are the people that were tapped on the shoulder , and it ’ s a calling .” d