The leadership he has learned as a law enforcement officer and PBA representative compels Paterson Local 1 President Alex Cruz to make a run for mayor and bring a fresh voice his city needs
Call of Duty
The leadership he has learned as a law enforcement officer and PBA representative compels Paterson Local 1 President Alex Cruz to make a run for mayor and bring a fresh voice his city needs
The calling for Alex Cruz to serve his native Paterson crescendoed in 2011 after more than 15 years on the job and being a member of Paterson Local 1 . A police department transition that caused budget cuts led to a layoff and many members losing their jobs . Feeling a desire to improve working conditions for members and the department , and following the ideals of giving back and paying it forward he first learned in the Marine Corps , Cruz decided to run for Local 1 president .
As president , he proffered the leadership that led to building new headquarters for the Local , a facility that serves first and foremost as a community center . And in what is almost unheard of in the annals of Paterson police labor relations , Cruz spearheaded the negotiation of a new contract without having to go through interest arbitration or making major concessions for current members .
Now , to answer an even greater calling , Cruz has stepped up to become a candidate for mayor of Paterson . In the May 8 election , Cruz is running against four current city council members and a former school board member . He wants to bring a fresh voice to fill the position that became open when former mayor Joey Torres was forced to resign over his conviction on corruption charges .
“ As a law enforcement officer , you experience the city at its most grass-roots levels , not from a comfortable office high atop City Hall ,” Cruz articulates . “ You meet real people with real problems in real time , and you are intimately involved with the problems and issues confronting them . Most importantly , you try to help them find solutions . There is no greater on-the-job training for mayor than that .”
Cruz is no doubt leaning on his experience as a PBA leader to show voters how he can create the accountability for the city ’ s government and reestablish citizen trust . What might be a campaign promise
PBA members : Help elect Alex Cruz
Members who would like to help Paterson Local 1 President Alex Cruz in his run for mayor can go to www . alexcruzformayor . com and click on the “ volunteer ” link . The election is May 8 , and help is needed leading up to election day , especially making calls and getting out the vote .
or a stump speech from one of the other government insiders running for mayor of Paterson is a way of life for a PBA leader and a law enforcement officer .
So when Cruz cites being a guardian of officers ’ rights as workers – and as people – he is recounting a lesson he has learned from serving the NJ State PBA and Local 1 . How much could the people of Paterson – or any city or town in New Jersey – benefit from being led by somebody who puts the uniform on every day and dedicates himself to a life of service above self ?
“ We need more members to take the fight to the next level and running for office is a great way to do that .”
Alex Cruz , Paterson Local 1 president and candidate for mayor of Paterson
“ There must be those among us who are willing to step forward to ensure the men and women of law enforcement never fall victim to political expediency or exploitation ,” Cruz advocates .
Isn ’ t that the passion and purpose that has been at the core of the PBA ’ s ongoing political action for the past four years ?
“ The State PBA has been instrumental in lending a voice to the concerns of police officers across the state and inside the State House ,” Cruz continues . “ We need more members to take the fight to the next level , and running for office is a