Grand recognition
NJ State PBA President honored with 2018 grand marshals in Trenton
In between meetings at the New Jer-
sey State House – and before the highly
anticipated afternoon vote on the PFRS
pension bill – NJ State PBA President Pat
Colligan had another important matter
to attend to.
Just before noon, Colligan joined New
Jersey’s Irish American Leaders – another
members-only unit that Colligan has be-
come part of this year. The Irish Ameri-
can Leaders is an exclusive group that re-
quires a panel vote from the state’s Grand
Marshall Committee for selection.
Colligan received the honor when he
was dubbed the 2018 Grand Marshall of
the 40th Annual Nutley Irish Parade that
took place on March 3. That honor rec-
ognized his leadership in the community
as well as his heritage.
It just so happened that on March 26,
the same date that the third annual “PBA
Day” at the State House was held, Colli-
gan was called to wear his green, white
and orange sash once more and be hon-
ored at the start of the General Assembly
session alongside New Jersey’s 20 other
Irish leaders (one per county).
Prior to the ceremony, when Colligan
gathered with the 2018 Irish American
Leaders, Mercer County Sheriff’s Offi-
cers Local 187 President Pablo Santiago
gifted Colligan with a token to remember
his Irish excellence. The PBA president
■ APRIL 2018
NJ State PBA President Pat Colligan shakes
hands with Assemblyman Gordon Johnson on
his way into the Assembly chamber, where he
and the other 2018 Irish American Leaders were
could hardly hold back his amusement
as he carried his new holiday socks, dec-
orated with four-leaf clovers and multi-
ple smiling Colligan faces, through the
State House.
“He wanted me to have them for St.
Patrick’s Day, but we didn’t connect,”
Colligan noted about the unforgettable
sock exchange from Santiago.
At the beginning of the Assembly ses-
sion, Democratic Assemblyman Wayne
DeAngelo took the microphone to ad-
dress an important order of business be-
fore the voting began.
“Thank you very much for giving me
the opportunity to address the floor for a
few moments,” DeAngelo began. “I don’t
think that the pale skin and red hair gave
it away, but I’m here to say hello and in-
troduce the 2018 Irish American Leader
Grand Marshalls from throughout the
state who take the time to go above and
beyond in their communities.”
DeAngelo proceeded to announce
each Irish American Leader by name as
bagpipers led the procession of Grand
Marshals into the chamber. The PBA
president stood among army veterans,
lawyers, teachers and other community
leaders who gathered for this Trenton
tradition that Assemblyman Thomas
Mercer County Sheriff’s Officers Local 187 mem-
ber Pablo Santiago gifts the NJ State PBA Presi-
dent with socks bearing his likeness prior to the
Giblin, who was also named Grand Mar-
shal of the 2016 Newark St. Patrick’s Day
Parade, has perpetuated.
“It was an honor,” Colligan stated. “It
was unique. Assemblyman Giblin start-
ed it, and they have been doing it for de-
cades. It was definitely cool to be a part
of.” d