NJ Cops April2018 | Page 36

The apprehension to get involved that existed before the first PBA Day appears to be all but gone . Members believe in political action .
“ I think there ’ s definitely a trust there ,” Tardio observed as he rushed to get up to the gallery . “ We ’ re willing to get involved . But after this last election , they are still waiting to see . OK , we got these people in . What are they doing for us now that they ’ re in ?”
Legislators walked the walk on March 26 . Colligan and Kovar weren ’ t so sure even when Senate President Sweeney gave them this message in the morning . “ He said , ‘ Why are you here ? Don ’ t worry ,’” Colligan related .
In the Senate , however , the pension bill passed with 75 percent in favor . In the Assembly , there was some anxiety , so Colligan joined with FMBA President Ed Donnelly to herd the cats and count on the votes . They wanted the board all green with yes votes . It was close . The Assembly vote came out 84 percent voting yes .
The buzz afterward couldn ’ t even be distilled by the fact that Governor Murphy still needed to sign the pension bill into law . Members formed a line to give Colligan and Kovar a hug or a handshake . What a feeling . “ I ’ m happy right now that we actually won something for once ,” emoted Burlington County Corrections Officers Local 249 State Delegate Terrance Benson . “ I have no words right now .”
Mercer County Sheriffs Officers Local 187 State Delegate Pat Papero did have the words .
“ This was like winning the Super Bowl ,” he exclaimed . “ It was a big win for our families and for our futures .”
As the PBA First Vice President and the Pension Benefits coor-
Senate President Steve Sweeney , right , chats with NJ State PBA Vice President Marc Kovar , President Pat Colligan and Director of Government Affairs Rob Nixon at the start of PBA Day at the State Legislature on March 26 .
dinator , Pete Andreyev has had a front-row seat to all that went into getting the bill passed in both houses . And he knew the value of what had transpired on this day .
“ It was a Public Safety win for everybody involved ,” Andreyev concluded . “ That ’ s why I think we had one of the most genuine responses , because everyone knows the benefit that it will create for them .”
The only person who was unexpectedly at a loss for words was Colligan . As the celebration ensued , he flashed that smile of approval , the one that hints at his excitement . And he sent up a fitting final comment . “ Not a bad way to end your day ,” he whispered . Another great day for the NJ State PBA . d