NIV Ultimate Bible for Girls NIV Ultimate Bible for Girls | Sampler | Page 2

Who wrote it : Mark
When it was written : Probably between AD 55 and 65
Where it takes place : Probably Rome


M ark ’ s gospel is way shorter than Matthew ’ s because Mark doesn ’ t give us details about when Jesus was born and how he grew up . He cuts to the chase , to the part where Jesus says that God is here for us and he wants us to really live , forever ! He wants to help us when we really need it . He wants us to count on him for everything . He wants us to know how much he loves us .

Fasten your seat belt , Mark seems to say , because here we go .
Cool characters you ’ ll meet : Jesus , the disciples , blind Bartimaeus , Simon of Cyrene and Joseph of Arimathea
Bad guys to watch for : Satan and Pilate
The point : “ Actions speak louder than words ” could be the motto of Mark ’ s gospel . This book shows Jesus ’ power through his miracles and covers the most important events of his ministry , death and resurrection . Mark was written for Gentiles ( people who were not Jews ) and reminds us that the salvation Jesus offers was for all people everywhere .
How it connects : Mark , also called John Mark , was the cousin of Barnabas , who ministered with Paul . Mark received the information for his gospel from the disciple Peter . Mark wrote about Jesus ’ life in a way that showed who Jesus was through what he did . Even someone who didn ’ t know the Old Testament could understand that Jesus was God .