NIV Ultimate Bible for Girls NIV Ultimate Bible for Girls | Activities | Page 3
people, places, and things that
go together in the new testament
Draw lines from the people on the left to the people, places, or things that go with them
on the right. If there is more than one correct answer, choose the one that works so that
everything matches up.
Mary (Luke 2) wine
angels (Luke 2) Andrew
magi (Matthew 2) John
John the Baptist (Matthew 3) two fish
Peter (Matthew 4) Aquila
James (Matthew 4) Joseph
Jesus (Matthew 10) Sapphira
water (John 2) Silas
five loaves of bread (Matthew 14) disciples
demons (Mark 5) soldiers
Zacchaeus (Luke 19) shepherds
tomb (Matthew 28) storm
Ananias (Acts 5) star
Paul (Acts 16) pigs
Priscilla (Acts 18) stone
ship (Acts 27) sycamore-fig tree
centurion (Acts 27) Jordan River
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