1476 1 CoRInTHIans
7 Now to each one the man i fes ta tion of the
Spir it is giv en for
or the com mon good. 8 To one
Exclusive NEW
giv en through the Spir it a mes sage
of wis ®
an oth er a m
mes sage of knowl
m, to another
NIV Comfort
edge by means of the same Spir it, 9 to an oth
er faith by the same Spir it, to an oth er gifts
of heal ing by that one Spir it, 10 to an oth er
mi rac u lous
us powers,
pow ers, to an oth er proph e cy,
to an oth er dis
tin guish ing be tween spir its,
to an oth er speak
ing in dif fer ent kinds of
tongues, and to still an oth er the in ter pre
ta tion of tongues.
ngues. 11 All these are the work of
one and the same Spir it, and he dis trib utes
them to each one, just as he de ter mines.
sec ond proph ets, third teach ers, then mir
a cles, then gifts of heal ing, of help ing, of
guid ance, and of dif fer ent kinds of tongues.
29 Are all apos tles? Are all proph ets? Are all
teach ers? Do all work mir a cles? 30 Do all have
gifts of heal ing? Do all speak in tongues c ?
Do all in ter pret? 31 Now ea ger ly de sire the
great er gifts.
Love Is Indispensable
And yet I will show you the most ex cel
lent way.
If I speak in the tongues d of men or of
an gels, but do not have love, I am only
a re sound ing gong or a clang ing cym bal. 2 If I
have the gift of proph e cy and can fath om all
mys ter ies and all knowl edge, and if I have a
faith that can move moun tains, but do not
have love, I am noth ing. 3 If I give all I pos
sess to the poor and give over my body to
hard ship that I may boast, e but do not have
love, I gain noth ing.
4 Love is pa tient, love is kind. It does not
envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It
does not dis hon or oth ers, it is not selfseek
ing, it is not eas i ly an gered, it keeps no rec ord
of wrongs. 6 Love does not de light in evil but
re joic es with the truth. 7 It al ways pro tects,
al ways trusts, al ways hopes, al ways per se
8 Love nev er fails. But where there are
proph e cies, they will cease; where there are
tongues, they will be stilled; where there is
knowl edge, it will pass away. 9 For we know
in part and we proph e sy in part, 10 but when
com plete ness comes, what is in part dis ap
pears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a
child, I thought like a child, I rea soned like
a child. When I be came a man, I put the ways
of child hood be hind me. 12 For now we see
only a re flec tion as in a mir ror; then we shall
see face to face. Now I know in part; then I
shall know ful ly, even as I am ful ly known.
13 And now these three re main: faith, hope
and love. But the great est of these is love.
Unity and Diversity in the Body
12 Just as a body, though
one, has many
parts, but all its many parts form one body,
so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all bap
tized by b one Spir it so as to form one body —
wheth er Jews or Gen tiles, slave or free — and
we were all giv en the one Spir it to drink.
14 Even so the body is not made up of one
part but of many.
15 Now if the foot should say, “Be cause I
am not a hand, I do not be long to the body,”
it would not for that rea son stop be ing part
of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Be
cause I am not an eye, I do not be long to the
body,” it would not for that rea son stop be ing
part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an
eye, where would the sense of hear ing be?
If the whole body were an ear, where would
the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has
placed the parts in the body, ev ery one of
them, just as he want ed them to be. 19 If they
were all one part, where would the body be?
20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
21 The eye can not say to the hand, “I don’t
need you!” And the head can not say to the
feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the con trary,
those parts of the body that seem to be weak
er are in dis pens able, 23 and the parts that we
think are less hon or able we treat with spe cial
hon or. And the parts that are un pre sent able
are treat ed with spe cial mod es ty, 24 while our
pre sent able parts need no spe cial treat ment.
But God has put the body to geth er, giv ing
great er hon or to the parts that lacked it, 25 so
that there should be no di vi sion in the body,
but that its parts should have equal con cern
for each oth er. 26 If one part suf fers, ev ery
part suf fers with it; if one part is hon ored,
ev ery part re joic es with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and
each one of you is a part of it. 28 And God
has placed in the church first of all apos tles,
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Intelligibility in Worship
Fol low the way of love and ea ger ly de
sire gifts of the Spir it, es pe cial ly proph
e cy. For any one who speaks in a tongue f
does not speak to peo ple but to God. In deed,
no one un der stands them; they ut ter mys ter
ies by the Spir it. 3 But the one who proph e sies
speaks to peo ple for their strength en ing, en
a 10
b 13 Or with; or
Or languages; also in verse 28
c 30 Or other languages
d 1 Or languages
f 2 Or in
Some manuscripts body to the flames
another language; also in verses 4, 13, 14, 19, 26 and 27
e 3
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