NIV Kingdom Girls Bible Sampler | Page 17

18 They made fifty bronze clasps to fasten the tent to gether as a unit . 19 Then they made for the tent a cov er ing of ram skins dyed red , and over that a cov er ing of the other du ra ble leather . a
20 They made up right frames of aca cia wood for the tab er na cle . 21 Each frame was ten cu bits long and a cu bit and a half wide , b 22 with two pro jec tions set par al lel to each other . They made all the frames of the tab er na cle in this way . 23 They made twenty frames for the south side of the tab er na cle 24 and made forty sil ver bases to go un der them — two bases for each frame , one un der each pro jec tion . 25 For the other side , the north side of the tab er na cle , they made twenty frames 26 and forty sil ver bases — two un der each frame . 27 They made six frames for the far end , that is , the west end of the tab er na cle , 28 and two frames were made for the cor ners of the tab er na cle at the far end . 29 At these two cor ners the frames were dou ble from the bot tom all the way to the top and fit ted into a sin gle ring ; both were made alike . 30 So there were eight frames and six teen sil ver bases — two un der each frame .
31 They also made cross bars of aca cia wood : five for the frames on one side of the tab er na cle , 32 five for those on the other side , and five for the frames on the west , at the far end of the tab er nacle . 33 They made the cen ter cross bar so that it ex tended from end to end at the mid dle of the frames . 34 They over laid the frames with gold and made gold rings to hold the cross bars . They also over laid the cross bars with gold .
35 They made the cur tain of blue , purple and scar let yarn and finely twisted linen , with cher u bim wo ven into it by a skilled worker . 36 They made four posts of aca cia wood for it and over laid them with gold . They made gold hooks for them and cast their four sil ver bases . 37 For the en trance to the tent they made a cur tain of blue , pur ple and scar let yarn and finely twisted linen — the work of an em broi derer ; 38 and they made five posts with hooks for them . They over laid the tops of the posts and their bands with gold and made their five bases of bronze .
115 The Ark

37 exodus 37

Bez a lel made the ark of acacia wood — two and a half cubits long , a cu bit and a half wide , and a cu bit and a half high . c 2 He over laid it with pure gold , both in side and out , and made a gold mold ing around it . 3 He cast four gold rings for it and fas tened them to its four feet , with two rings on one side and two rings on the other . 4 Then he made poles of aca cia wood and over laid them with gold . 5 And he in serted the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark to carry it .
6 He made the atone ment cover of pure gold — two and a half cu bits long and a cu bit and a half wide . 7 Then he made two cher u bim out of ham mered gold at the ends of the cover . 8 He made one cherub on one end and the sec ond cherub on the other ; at the two ends he made them of one piece with the cover . 9 The cher u bim had their wings spread up ward , over shad ow ing the cover with them . The cher u bim faced each other , look ing to ward the cover .
The Table
10 They d made the ta ble of aca cia wood — two cu bits long , a cu bit wide and a cu bit and a half high . e 11 Then they over laid it with pure gold and made a gold mold ing around it . 12 They also made around it a rim a hand breadth f wide and put a gold mold ing on the rim . 13 They cast four gold rings for the ta ble and fas tened them to the four cor ners , where the four legs were . 14 The rings were put close to the rim to hold the poles used in car ry ing the ta ble . 15 The poles for car ry ing the ta ble were made of aca cia wood and were over laid with
19 Possibly the hides of large aquatic b
mammals ( see 35:7 ) 21 That is , about 15 feet long and 2 1 / 4 feet wide or about 4.5 meters long and 68 centimeters c
wide 1 That is , about 3 3 / 4 feet long and 2 1 / 4 feet wide and high or about 1.1 meters long and 68 centimeters wide and high ; d
similarly in verse 6 10 Or He ; also in e
verses 11­29 10 That is , about 3 feet long , 1 1 / 2 feet wide and 2 1 / 4 feet high or about 90 centimeters long , 45 centimeters wide and 68 f
centimeters high 12 That is , about 3 inches or about 7.5 centimeters