NIV Heart of Gold Holy Bible NIV Heart of Gold Holy Bible - Sampler | Page 9
Give God the Glory
“Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was
leading Israel at that time. She held court under the Palm
of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country
of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their
disputes decided.” ~JUDGES 4:4–5
fter the time of Moses and Joshua, God chose people called
judges to lead the people of Israel, organize the army against
enemies, and help people settle arguments. Some judges,
like Deborah, were also prophets. They spoke words from God.
Deborah is the only female judge mentioned in the Bible.
Was it hard for Deborah to fit in with the other Israelite woman?
Maybe. They were running households, businesses, farms—big,
important tasks. But Deborah was leading the whole nation and
speaking the words of God.
In your life, you will have big missions and responsibilities.
God has big plans for you. Reading about Deborah is a good
place to start to learn how to be a good, strong leader. Like
Deborah, the only female judge, you might be the only girl on
the team or the only Christian in the room. When you are the
“only,” people will look to you as an example and an inspiration.
You show others a path to follow.
Deborah was a faithful and reliable leader. The Israelites
came to her because they respected her and trusted
her wisdom and discernment. She courageously and
faithfully did what God called her to do, even though she
was the “only” one.
Being “only” means you are brave. But it’s important to
remember “only” does not mean “alone.” God led Deborah
to good decisions and gave her his words to speak. After God
guided Deborah and the Israelites to a huge victory in
battle, Deborah sang a beautiful song of praise to God.
Here is part of it: “When the princes in Israel take the
lead, when the people willingly offer themselves—praise
the L ORD !” (Judges 5:2). Deborah wanted to make sure
everyone knew that God led her as she led Israel, and the
glory should go to him.
PRAYER: Dear God, thank you for giving me the courage to obey
you even when I’m the only one. Help me to remember that you
enable me to make right choices.