NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Sampler | страница 7

Welcome !

Welcome to a very special book — the Bible ! Maybe you have read storybook Bibles before . This might be your first “ real ” Bible . The Bible is made up of 66 books from Genesis to Revelation . All together these books are known as God ’ s Word . Each book is broken into numbered chapters ( just like many other books ). Each chapter is made up of numbered verses .
Bible verses are located by book , chapter and verse . They are written out like this : Genesis 27:2 . That means you can find this verse in the book of Genesis , chapter 27 , verse 2 . Now try it on your own by searching for John 3:16 . There is a table of contents in the front of your Bible , just a few pages after this page , to help you . ( Hint : John is in the New Testament .) We are excited for you to explore this Bible and discover just how much God loves you !