NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Book of Mark, "Prayer Is..., Getting to Know Jesus | Page 14

869  l   Mark 11:7 hard it is  a to en­ter the king­dom of God! 25 It is eas­i­er for a cam­el to go t ­ hrough the eye of a nee­dle than for some­one who is rich to en­ter the king­dom of God.” 26 The dis­ci­ples were even more ­amazed, and said to each oth­er, “Who then can be saved?” 27 ­Jesus ­looked at them and said, “With man this is im­pos­si­ble, but not with God; all ­things are pos­si­ble with God.” 28 Then Pe­ter ­spoke up, “We have left ev­ ery­thing to fol­low you!” 29 “Tru­ly I tell you,” ­Jesus re­plied, “no one who has left home or broth­ers or sis­ ters or moth­er or fa­ther or chil­dren or fields for me and the gos­pel 30 will fail to re­ceive a hun­dred ­times as much in this pres­e nt age: ­h omes, broth­e rs, sis­ters, moth­ers, chil­dren and ­fields  — ​­along with per­se­cu­tions — ​and in the age to come eter­nal life. 31 But many who are f ­ irst will be last, and the last first.” Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time 32 They were on t ­ heir way up to Je­ru­sa­ lem, with ­Jesus lead­ing the way, and the dis­ci­ples were as­ton­ished, ­while ­those who fol­lowed were a ­ fraid. ­Again he took the ­Twelve ­aside and told them what was go­ing to hap­pen to him. 33 “We are go­ing up to Je­ru­sa­lem,” he said, “and the Son of Man will be de­liv­ered over to the ­chief p ­ riests and the teach­ers of the law. They will con­ demn him to ­death and will hand him over to the Gen­tiles, 34 who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. ­Three days lat­er he will rise.” The Request of James and John 35 Then ­James and John, the sons of Zeb­ e­dee, came to him. “Teach­er,” they said, “we want you to do for us what­ev­er we ask.” 36 “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. 37 They re­plied, “Let one of us sit at your right and the oth­er at your left in your glo­ ry.” 38 “You ­don’t know what you are ask­ing,” ­Jesus said. “Can you d ­ rink the cup I d ­ rink or be bap­tized with the bap­tism I am bap­ tized with?” 39 “We can,” they an­swered. Jesus said to them, “You will d ­ rink the cup I d ­ rink and be bap­tized with the bap­ tism I am bap­tized with, 40 but to sit at my right or left is not for me to g ­ rant. ­These plac­es be­long to ­those for whom they have been pre­pared.” 41 When the ten h ­ eard a ­ bout this, they be­came in­dig­nant with ­James and John. 42 ­Jesus ­called them to­geth­er and said, “You know that t ­ hose who are re­gard­ed as rul­ ers of the Gen­tiles lord it over them, and their high of­fi­cials ex­er­cise au­thor­i­ty over them. 43 Not so with you. In­stead, who­ev­ er ­wants to be­come ­great ­among you must be your ser­vant, 44 and who­ev­er ­wants to be first must be ­slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be s ­ erved, but to serve, and to give his life as a ran­som for many.” Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight 46   Then they came to Jer­i­cho. As ­Jesus and his dis­ci­ples, to­geth­er with a ­large crowd, were leav­ing the city, a b ­ lind man, Bar­ti­mae­us (which ­means “son of Ti­mae­ us”), was sit­ting by the road­side beg­ging. 47 When he h ­ eard that it was ­Jesus of Naz­a­ reth, he be­gan to ­shout, “­Jesus, Son of Da­ vid, have mer­cy on me!” 48 Many re­buked him and told him to be qui­et, but he shout­ed all the more, “Son of Da­vid, have mer­cy on me!” 49 ­Jesus ­stopped and said, “Call him.” So they ­called to the ­blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s call­ i ng you.” 50 Throw­ing his ­cloak ­aside, he ­jumped to his feet and came to ­Jesus. 51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus ­asked him. The ­blind man said, “Rab­bi, I want to see.” 52 “Go,” said ­Jesus, “your ­faith has ­healed you.” Im­me­di­ate­ly he re­ceived his ­sight and fol­lowed ­Jesus ­along the road. Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King 11 As they ap­proached Je­ru­sa­lem and came to Beth­pha­ge and Beth­a n ­ y at the Mount of Ol­ives, ­Jesus sent two of his dis­ ci­ples, 2 say­ing to them, “Go to the vil­lage ahead of you, and just as you en­ter it, you will find a colt tied ­there, ­which no one has ever rid­den. Un­tie it and b ­ ring it here. 3 If any­one asks you, ‘Why are you do­ing this?’ say, ‘The Lord n ­ eeds it and will send it back here short­ly.’  ” 4 They went and ­found a colt out­side in the s ­ treet, tied at a door­way. As they un­ tied it, 5  some peo­ple stand­ing ­there ­asked, “What are you do­ing, un­ty­ing that colt?” 6 They an­swered as ­Jesus had told them to, and the peo­ple let them go. 7 When they a  24  Some manuscripts is for those who trust in riches