NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Book of Mark, "Prayer Is..., Getting to Know Jesus | Page 12

867  l   Mark 9:37 ­There he was trans­fig­ured be­fore them. 3   His ­clothes be­came daz­zling ­white, whit­ er than any­one in the ­world ­could ­bleach them. 4 And t ­ here ap­peared be­fore them Eli­jah and Mo­ses, who were talk­ing with Jesus. 5 Pe­ter said to ­Jesus, “Rab­bi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up ­three shel­ ters — ​one for you, one for Mo­ses and one for Eli­jah.” 6 (He did not know what to say, they were so fright­ened.) 7 Then a ­cloud ap­peared and cov­ered them, and a ­voice came from the c ­ loud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Lis­ten to him!” 8   Sud­den­ly, when they ­looked ­around, they no lon­ger saw any­one with them ex­ cept ­Jesus. 9 As they were com­ing down the moun­ tain, ­Jesus gave them or­ders not to tell any­one what they had seen un­til the Son of Man had ris­en from the dead. 10 They kept the mat­ter to them­selves, dis­cuss­ing what “ris­ing from the dead” meant. 11 And they a ­ sked him, “Why do the teach­ers of the law say that Eli­jah must come first?” 12 ­Jesus re­plied, “To be sure, Eli­jah does come ­first, and re­stores all ­things. Why then is it writ­ten that the Son of Man must suf­fer much and be re­ject­ed? 13 But I tell you, Eli­jah has come, and they have done to him ev­ery­thing they ­wished, just as it is writ­ten ­about him.” J ­ esus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Impure Spirit 14 When they came to the oth­er dis­ci­ples, they saw a ­large ­crowd ­around them and the teach­ers of the law ar­gu­ing with them. 15 As soon as all the peo­ple saw ­Jesus, they were over­whelmed with won­der and ran to greet him. 16 “What are you ar­ gu­ ing with them about?” he asked. 17 A man in the ­crowd an­swered, “Teach­ er, I ­brought you my son, who is pos­sessed by a spir­it that has ­robbed him of ­speech. 18 When­ev­er it seiz­es him, it ­throws him to the ­ground. He f ­ oams at the m ­ outh, gnash­ es his ­teeth and be­comes rig­id. I a ­ sked your dis­ci­ples to d ­ rive out the spir­it, but they c ­ ould not.” 19 “You un­be­liev­ing gen­er­a­tion,” ­Jesus re­plied, “how long s ­ hall I stay with you? How long s ­ hall I put up with you? B ­ ring the boy to me.” 20 So they ­brought him. When the spir­ it saw ­Jesus, it im­me­di­ate­ly ­threw the boy into a con­vul­sion. He fell to the g ­ round and ­rolled ­around, foam­ing at the mouth. 21 ­Jesus ­asked the ­boy’s fa­ther, “How long has he been like this?” “From child­hood,” he an­swered. 22 “It has of­ten ­thrown him into fire or wa­ter to kill him. But if you can do any­thing, take pity on us and help us.” 23 “ ‘If you can’?” said ­Jesus. “Ev­ery­thing is pos­si­ble for one who be­lieves.” 24  Im­m e­d i­a te­ly the ­b oy’s fa­t her ex­ claimed, “I do be­lieve; help me over­come my un­be­lief  !” 25 When ­Jesus saw that a ­crowd was run­ ning to the ­scene, he re­buked the im­pure spir­it. “You deaf and mute spir­it,” he said, “I com­mand you, come out of him and nev­er en­ter him again.” 26 The spir­it ­shrieked, con­vulsed him vi­ o­lent­ly and came out. The boy ­looked so much like a c ­ orpse that many said, “He’s dead.” 27 But ­Jesus took him by the hand and lift­ed him to his feet, and he ­stood up. 28 Af­ter ­Jesus had gone in­doors, his dis­ ci­ples ­asked him pri­vate­ly, “Why ­couldn’t we ­drive it out?” 29   He re­plied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.  a  ” J ­ esus Predicts His Death a Second Time 30  T hey left that p ­ lace and ­ p assed ­through Gal­i­lee. ­Jesus did not want any­ one to know ­where they were, 31  be­cause he was teach­ing his dis­ci­ples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is go­ing to be de­liv­ered in­to the h ­ ands of men. They will kill him, and af­ter t ­ hree days he will rise.” 32 But they did not un­der­stand what he m ­ eant and were ­afraid to ask him ­about it. 33 They came to Ca­per­na­um. When he was in the ­house, he ­asked them, “What were you ar­gu­ing ­about on the road?” 34 But they kept qui­et be­cause on the way they had ar­gued ­about who was the great­ est. 35   Sit­ting down, ­Jesus ­called the ­Twelve and said, “Any­one who ­wants to be ­first must be the very last, and the ser­vant of all.” 36 He took a lit­tle ­child whom he ­placed among them. Tak­ing the ­child in his arms, he said to them, 37 “Who­ev­er wel­comes one of t ­ hese lit­tle chil­dren in my name wel­comes me; and who­ev­er wel­comes me does not wel­come me but the one who sent me.” a  29  Some manuscripts prayer and fasting