NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Sampler | Page 2

How to Use this Bible The Bible is huge — ​sixty-six books in one. It may look daunting to try to read it on your own. But the Bible tells God’s story about himself, ­people, heaven, and earth. In this epic from God, he used different guys to write about battles, victories, kings and queens, supernatural visions, promises, tragedies, all kinds of 0 families, and so much more. Each character, 0 story, and message has something to with 3  /   Genesis 2:7 God’s creation, character, and compassion. wild an i mals, and over all the crea­ Thus the heav ens and the earth were com plet ed in all their vast 0 tures that move along the ground.” To get started, read a little ar ray. bit at a time, So God created mankind in his own By the sev enth day God had fin ished image, and features to been navigate the 0 the work he had do ing; so on in the use image of the God he special created the sev enth day he rest ed from all his them; work. Then God blessed the sev­ male and female he created pages. enth day and made it holy, be cause Who wro te this boo k? There is som e debate about who many scho wrote Gen lars beli esis. How ever, eve Moses wrote it. Why was this boo k written ? Genesis tells how God created the beings. It universe and also covers the special human Abraham. promises God mad e to 2 a 27 What do we learn about God in this boo k? God created all things. He sin. God pro loves peo ple, but he mises, how will eve punish r, to save Who are people who the key trust him. people in this boo k? The 3  them. 28  God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruit ful and in crease in num ber; fill the earth and sub due it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over ev ery liv ing crea ture that moves on the ground.” 29  Then God said, “I give you ev­ ery seed­bear ing plant on the face of the whole earth and ev ery tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30  And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the crea tures that move along the ground — ev ery thing that has the breath of life in it — I give ev ery green plant for food.” And it was so. 31  God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was eve ning, and there was morn ing — the sixth day. on it he rest ed from all the work of cre at ing that he had done. Adam and Eve Book Introductions This is the ac count of the heav ens and 4  the earth when they were cre at ed, when ’S HAT TH 5  b 6  c 7  Then the Lord God formed a man d from the dust of the ground and breathed a  26 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text b  5 Or land ; (see Syriac); Masoretic Text the earth c  6 Or mist d  7 The Hebrew for also in verse 6 man (adam) sounds like and may be related to the Hebrew for ground (adamah) ; it is also the name Adam (see verse 20). Genesis 1:1 – 2:22 the Lord the earth and setting, the A quick look at God the made author, heav ens. Now no shrub had yet ap peared you on the and background will help earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the God had not sent rain on the earth understand Lord characters and and the there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and wa tered the whole sur face of the ground. stories in each book. God is an all-powerful, all-knowing  supreme  being. He created everything: the universe and its planets  and stars, Earth and its animals, plants, mountains, and  waters. God is so amazing that his voice formed each new  thing. He saved his most prized creation for last: Adam and  Eve, the first man and woman. God lets  people understand who  he  is  and  what  he’s  like  through  his  creations.  Everywhere  and  everything  shows God’s design, creativity, and power. With  humans  he  even  gave  his  breath  to  give  them  life —  kind  of  like  heavenly CPR. So every person, even if they don’t know about God, bears  God’s  divine  design.  “He  who  forms  the  mountains,  creates  the  wind,  and  who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads  on the heights of the earth —  the L ord  God Almighty is his name” (Amos 4:13). G De Makin’ It Real Think the Bible is too ancient to make sense today? You’ll be surprised. Get the scoop on what boys like you can learn from the Bible — ​no matter what century you live in. Genesis 2 most importa nt people Noah, Abr in this boo aham and k are Ada Sarah, Isaa m and Eve Rachel, and , c and Reb Joseph. ekah, Jaco b and When did this hap pen? 0 No one kno ws when the creation Abraham or the floo was born d occurred. about 215 Joseph died 0 BC. His about 180 great-gran 0 BC. dson Where did this hap pen? 0 Genesis 1–1 1 happen ed in Mes took place opotamia. in Canaan Genesis 12– , which is land. The 36 also called rest of Gen the promis esis ed took place What are in Egypt. some of the stories in this boo 0 God creates k? the 0 God creates universe . . . . . . . . 0 Adam and Adam and Eve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genesis 1 0 Noah buil Eve sin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genesis 2 0 God sends ds an ark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genesis 3 0 God gives a flood to punish sin . . . . . . . . . . . Genesis 6 0 Abraham promises to Abraham . . . . . . . . Genesis 7–8 ....... ys for a city /   Genesis 19:15 Genesis 21  0 Jacob stea pra ....... 12 . 0 Jacob’s nam ls Esau’s blessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genesis 18 0 Joseph’s bro e is changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genesis 27 ....... t ­ hese­men,­for­they­have­come­un­ der­the­ thers sell him Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed Gen 0 Joseph become esis 32 into slavery 19 . . . . . Gen s a ruler . tec­t . ion­of­my­roof.” esis 37 ....... The­ two­ an­gels­ ar­r ived­ at­ . . . pro­ . . Genesis 9  “Get­ out­ of­ our­ 39– 41 way,”­ they­ re­plied.­ Sod­om­in­the­eve­ning,­and­ Lot­was­sit­ting­in­the­gate­ “This­ fel­low­ came­ here­ as­ a­ for­eign­er,­ way­of­the­city.­When­he­saw­them,­he­got­ and­now­he­­wants­to­play­the­­judge!­­We’ll­ t ­ reat­ you­ w ­ orse­ than­ them.”­ They­ kept­ up­to­meet­them­and­­bowed­down­with­ his­ face­ to­ the­ ­g round.­ 2  “My­ ­lords,”­ he­ bring­ing­pres­sure­on­Lot­and­­moved­for­ ward­to­­break­down­the­door. said,­“please­turn­­aside­to­your­ser­vant’s­ 10  But­the­men­in­side­­reached­out­and­ house.­You­can­wash­your­feet­and­­spend­ pulled­Lot­back­into­the­­house­and­shut­ the­­night­and­then­go­on­your­way­ear­ly­in­ the­door.­ 11  Then­they­­struck­the­men­who­ the­morn­ing.” were­at­the­door­of­the­­house,­­young­and­ “No,”­ they­ an­s wered,­ “we­ will­ ­spend­ old,­with­blind­ness­so­that­they­­could­not­ the­­night­in­the­square.” 3  But­he­in­sist­ed­so­strong­ly­that­they­ find­the­door. 12  The­ two­ men­ said­ to­ Lot,­ “Do­ you­ did­go­with­him­and­en­tered­his­­house.­ have­any­one­else­here­—­­sons­in­law,­sons­ He­ pre­pared­ a­ meal­ for­ them,­ bak­i ng­ or­daugh­ters,­or­any­one­else­in­the­city­who­ bread­with­out­­yeast,­and­they­ate.­ 4  Be­fore­ be­longs­to­you?­Get­them­out­of­here,­ 13  be­ they­had­gone­to­bed,­all­the­men­from­ cause­we­are­go­ing­to­de­stroy­this­­place.­ ev­ery­ part­ of­ the­ city­ of­ Sod­om­—­­both­ The­out­cry­to­the­Lord­­against­its­peo­ple­ young­ and­ old­—­­sur­round­ed­ the­ ­house.­ is­so­­great­that­he­has­sent­us­to­de­stroy it.” 5  They­­called­to­Lot,­“Where­are­the­men­ 14  So­ Lot­ went­ out­ and­ ­s poke­ to­ his­ who­came­to­you­to­night?­­Bring­them­out­ sons­in­law,­ who­ were­ ­pledged­ to­ mar­ to­us­so­that­we­can­have­sex­with­them.” ry­ a ­ his­ daugh­ters.­ He­ said,­ “Hur­r y­ and­ 6  Lot­ went­ out­side­ to­ meet­ them­ and­ get­out­of­this­­place,­be­cause­the­Lord­is­ shut­the­door­be­hind­him­ 7  and­said,­“No,­ ­about­to­de­stroy­the­city!”­But­his­sons­in­ my­­f riends.­­Don’t­do­this­wick­ed­­t hing.­ law­­thought­he­was­jok­ing. 8  Look,­ I­ have­ two­ daugh­ters­ who­ have­ 15  With­the­com­ing­of­dawn,­the­an­gels­ nev­er­ ­slept­ with­ a­ man.­ Let­ me­ ­bring­ ­urged­Lot,­say­ing,­“Hur­r y!­Take­your­wife­ them­out­to­you,­and­you­can­do­what­you­ like­with­them.­But­­don’t­do­any­thing­to­ a  14­ Or were married to­ ­ ­ ­ What’s the Big Deal? While everything in the Bible is important, certain ­people, places, and things stand out. Find out who’s who, what’s what, and how they connect to God. You’ll discover the adventures and challenges of mankind. Makin’ it real H Genesis 19 mm, over tHere is the best-looking place to build my  new  house,  Lot  thought.  The  grass  was  green;  there  was  plenty of water; he could have a garden estate. So Lot took  it  (Genesis  13:10 – 11).  But  the  best  land  was  right  next  to  the  worst  people. Lot pitched his tents too close to wicked Sodom, and he wasn’t  able to resist their evil influence. He even offered his daughters to them. Though  you  don’t  get  to  choose  where  you  live,  you  do  choose  your  friends  and  who  influences  you.  If  you  don’t  surround  yourself  with  friends and family who serve God, you may wind up getting too close  to those who don’t serve God. Ultimately, you may be persuaded to do  what’s wrong along with them. Choose your friends carefully; find ones  that will help you face and conquer temptations and threats.