NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Activities | Page 3

sev­ enth­­m m onth­the­ark­came­to­rest­on­the­ t ures­that­move­­ a long­the­­ Two of ev ery kind of crea­ bird, of wings. 15  Pairs with you. c 20  I­will­de­ and­an­ac­ ount­ ing­for­the­life­of­ of all g round­—­ crea tures ­ that have 5  The­wa­ters­con­t in­ moun­ t ains­of­Ar­ a r ­ at.­ t Noah i­ply­on­the­­ arth­and­be­ ev m ery kind kind of the an­oth­er­hu­ an­be­ ing. of an i mal and of ev ery so­they­can­mul­ The Sons of breath of life e in them came to Noah 16  The an i mals go ing ued­to­re­cede­un­ til­the­­ enth­­m along onth,­and­ fruit­ f will ul­and­in­ ber­on it.” ture that t moves the ground 18  and crease­in­num­ en tered the ark. The­sons­of­Noah­who­came­out­of­ How to crea Use This Bible  / alive.   viii ­“Whoever­sheds­human­blood, ­ 6 the­ 21  You 18  on­ f irst­ day­ to of­ you the­ to tenth­ month­ the­ So­ Noah­ came­ out,­ to­ g eth­ e Ja­ r­ p with­ are to come be kept in were male and fe male of ev ery liv ing the­ ark­ were­ Shem,­ Ham­ and­ heth.­ ­ ­ by­humans­shall­their­blood­be­shed; tops­of­the­moun­ came­vis­ le. is to his­sons­and­his­wife­and­his­sons’­­ w These­ ives.­ ed Noah. take ev tains­be­ ery kind of food i­b that be (Ham­was­the­fa­ eat en thing, t as 19  God had com mand her­of­Ca­ n aan.)­ ­ ­for­in­the­image­of­God All­the­an­ mals­and­all­the­crea­ ures­that­ and store it away as food for you 19  and for the Lord shut t him in. were­ the­ Then t i hree­ sons­ of­ Noah,­ and­ from­ ­ ­ has­God­made­mankind. 17  For them.” move­­ along­the­­ ground­and­all­the­­ irds­—­ ­ com ing for ty days the b flood kept them­came­the­peo­ p le­who­were­scat­ tered­ 22  7  As­ for­ you,­ be­ Noah did ev ery in­ thing as over­the­­ God ery­ thing­that­­ moves­on­land­—­­ came­out­ the earth, and as the wa ters in creased fruit­ f ul­ and­ c rease­ just in­ ev­ w on hole­earth. com t mand ed him. er­an­ oth­ high er. ceed­ 20  Noah,­a­man­of­the­soil,­pro­ Check It Out num­ber;­ mul­ i­ply­ on­ the­ ­earth­ and­ in­ of­the­ark,­one­kind­af­ they lift ed t the ark above ed­ a ­to­ the earth. 20  Then­Noah­­ 18  The built­an­al­ tar­to­the­Lord­ 21  When­he­­ crease­upon it.” The Lord then said to ­p Noah, wa ters rose and in creased great ly d rank­some­ lant­a­vine­ y ard.­ Boost your smarts with fascinating Genesis 8:3 8  Then­ God­ “Go to­ into the and­ ark, to­ you your ing­some­of­all­the­­ and,­tak­ clean­an­ als­ ed facts said­ Noah­ his­ and on the earth, the ark i­m float on the of­its­wine,­he­be­ came­­d and runk­and­lay­un­ 9  “I­now­es­ whole fam ly, be cause and­­ I cov­ have 19  They c e lean­­ b sur irds,­he­sac­ r about i­f 22  iced­­ burnt­of­ fer­ and trivia. Read the cool and great ly Once Noah closed the door on the  tab­l i ish­my­cov­ sons­with­him:­ face of the wa ter. rose Ham,­the­fa­ ther­ red­in­ s ide­his­tent.­ 21  found you righ teous s in cen­ this gen ings­on­it.­ er of­Ca­ a tion. The­Lord­­ melled­the­pleas­ enant­with­you­and­with­your­de­ dants­ on the earth, and life all the high moun ark, it rained for 40 days and flooded  naan,­saw­his­fa­ ked­and­told­ stuff in t s her­na­ the and times of tains the 2  Take with you sev en pairs of ev ery interesting 10  kind ma­and­said­in­his­­ 23  h But­Shem­and­ eart:­“Nev­ er­ cov ered. and­with­ev­ery­liv­ing­crea­t ure­ ing­aro­ af­ter­you­ un der the s en tire heav ens were his­two­broth­ ers­out­ ide.­ for 150 days. Noah’s family had to  Old and New Testaments. of clean an i mal, a male and its mate, and 20  a ­ gain­will­I­­ c urse­the­­ g round­be­ c ause­of­ that­was­with­you­—­­ t he­­birds,­the­live­ Ja­pheth­took­a­gar­ ent­and­laid­it­­ cross­ The wa m ters rose and cov a ered the moun­ stay inside until dry land reappeared.  a ­ev­ery­in­c li­na­t ion­ one pair of ev ery i­m kind of un clean hu­ an i mal, m ans,­even­­ t hough­ stock­and­all­the­wild­an­ als,­all­­ t hose­ their­shoul­ ders;­then­they­­ w of alked­in­back­ tains to a depth more than fif teen cu­ That meant they lived on the ark   3  and also sev en pairs a male and its mate, a , b 21  of­ the­ hu­ m an­ h ­ eart­ is­ evil­ from­ child­ that­came­out­of­the­ark­with­you­—­­ ev­ery­ ward­and­cov­ ered­­ ther’s­na­ ed­body.­ bits.   their­fa­ Ev ery liv ing k thing that moved for more than a year. of t ure­on­­ ev ery kind of 11  bird, and fe hood.­And­nev­ male, to es­were­­ er­­a t gain­will­I­de­ I­es­t male ab­lish­my­ liv­ing­crea­ earth.­ Their­fac­ urned­the­oth­ s e troy­all­ r­way­so­ var i ous alive through out t w ures,­as­I­have­done. keep their liv­ ing­crea­ cov­enant­with­ you:­Nev­ er­ ­a kinds gain­will­all­ that­they­­ ould­not­see­­their­fa­ther­na­ked. days from now I 24  will earth. 4  Sev en life­be­de­ s the troyed­by­the­wa­ ters­of­a­­ f lood;­ 22 ­“As­long­as­the­earth­endures, When­ Noah­ ­awoke­ from­ his­ wine­ 6  Af­ter­for­ ­ t y­days­Noah­­ o pened­a­win­ send rain on the earth for for ty days and nev­er­­again­will­­ t here­be­a­­ f lood­to­de­ and­­ found­out­what­his­youn­gest­son­had­ 7  ­seedtime­and­harvest, dow­ he­ had­ in­ the­ sent­ for made­ ty nights, and ark­ I will and­ wipe from ­ the face 25  he­said, stroy­the­earth.” Grossology done­to­him,­ Noah’s boat was like  ­ I ­cold­and­heat, out­a­ra­ ven,­and­it­kept­f ing­back­and­ 12  And­God­said,­“This­is­the­sign­of­the­ of the earth ev ly­ ery liv ing crea ture have one big zoo . . . in an  ­ ­summer­and­winter, forth­un­ t il­the­wa­ t er­had­­ d ried­up­from­ ­ ­“Cursed­be­Canaan! If it oozes, bleeds, smells, or makes made.” ing­be­t ween­me­and­ cov­enant­I­am­mak­ enclosed space . . . for  ­ ­ ­day­and­night 5  And Noah did all that the Lord the­­earth.­ 8  Then­he­sent­out­a­dove­to­see­ ­ The­lowest­of­slaves com­ your spine tingle, it’s in the Bible. you­and­ev­ ery­liv­ing­crea­ t ure­with­you,­a­ ­ ­ ­will­never­cease.” more than twelve months. No pit  if­the­wa­ter­had­re­ ced­ ed­from­the­sur­face­ ­ will­he­be­to­his­brothers.” 13  mand ed him. I­ cov­enant­for­all­gen­ er­a­tions­to­come:­ 9  But­the­dove­­ God didn’t avoid messy parts of 6  Noah stops. No trash ser vice. No cleanup  of­the­­ g round.­ could­find­ was six the hun dred years old when 26  He­also­said, have­set­my­rain­ bow­in­the­­ clouds,­and­it­ 7  And no­where­to­­ perch­be­ c them ause­­ there­was­wa­ t ready er­ crews, except for Noah’s family.  God’s Covenant With Noah the flood wa ters came on the earth. life. He left in, so get to will­be­the­sign­of­the­cov­enant­be­t ween­ over­all­the­sur­ face­of­the­­ earth;­so­it­re­ That’s a lot of manure —   and a lot of  ­ ­“Praise­be­to­the­Lord,­the­God­of­ Noah and 14  his sons and wife and his Then­God­­ blessed­Noah­and­his­ When­ e v­ er­ I­ his bring­ me­ and­ the­ earth.­ squirm. turned­to­Noah­in­the­ark.­He­­ animal smells. Pee-eew! They must  Shem! sons’ wives en tered reached­out­ the b ark to es cape the sons,­say­ ing­to­them,­“Be­fruit­f ul­ clouds­over­the­­ earth­and­the­rain­ ow­ap­ his­hand­and­took­the­dove­and­­ b Pairs rought­ ­ ­ and May­Canaan­be­the­slave­of­Shem. of clean wa c ters of 15  the f lood. m 8  em­ have needed a breath of fresh air. and­ in­c rease­ in­ num­ber­ and­ fill­ I­will­re­ ber­my­ pears­in­the­­ louds,­ 10  He­wait­ b ­territory; it­back­to­him­ self­in­the­ark.­ ­May­God­extend­Japheth’s­ ­ 27 crea­ un clean an i mals, of birds and of the­­ all earth.­ 2  The­fear­and­­dread­of­you­will­ Genesis 7:8 ed­ sev­en­ more­ out­ fall­on­all­the­­ ­ 9  ­ male may­Japheth­live­in­the­tents­of­ tures days­ that and­ move ­a gain­ along sent­ the ground, beasts­of­the­­earth,­and­on­ 11  When­the­dove­ the­dove­from­the­ark.­ Shem, and fe male, came to Noah and all­the­­ en tered birds­in­the­sky,­on­ev­ ery­crea­t ure­ re­t urned­to­him­in­the­eve­ ing,­­ com t here­in­ ­ and­may­Canaan­be­the­slave­of­ the ark, as God n had mand ed ­ Noah. a  21­ Or humans, on for­ land its­beak­was­a­fresh­ y­­p the lucked­ol­ ve­leaf­ !­ flood ­ ­ ­ per ished — birds, live stock, wild i have 10  set my rainbow And af l ter sev in en i the days the wa­ Japheth.” an i mals, all the crea tures that swarm ters came on the clouds, and it will be earth. the sign 28  to Live By lived­350­­years.­ 22  Af­ter­the­­ f lood­Noah­­ 11  In the six hun dredth year of No Words ah’s over the earth, and all man kind. Ev­ of the covenant between me 29  Noah­­ lived­a­to­ tal­of­950­­ years,­and­then­ ery thing on dry keep land that had Word the breath life, on the sev en teenth day of the sec ond Verses to help God’s in and the earth. Genesis 9:13 he­died. of life in its you nos trils died. 23  Ev ery liv ing month — on that day all the springs of your heart — ​ y ou may want to memorize thing on the face of the earth was wiped the great deep burst forth, and the a  20­ flood­ Or soil, was the first­ ­ ­ ­ b  27­ Japheth­sounds­like­ 12  And them! a gates of the heav ens were opened. the­Hebrew­for­extend.­ ­­­  20 That is, about 23 feet or about 6.8 meters rain fell on the earth for ty days and for ty b  20 Or rose more than fifteen cubits, and the mountains were covered nights. check it out 7 9 W RDS T LIVE BY At the back of this Bible, there also are a few other tools that may be helpful to you: • Through the Bible in a Year — A checklist for daily Bible reading if you want to tackle reading the entire Bible in a year. • Promises from the Bible — When you are sad, tempted, or are seeking God’s direction, check this for suggested Bible verses to read. • Perspectives from the Bible — Like a topical index, this will show you where to read verses about all kinds of topics like anger, faith, and heaven. • Journaling pages — This is where you can write your own notes, questions, and prayers. God bless you as you read his Word.