NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Activities | Page 16

GROW INTO THE YOUNG MAN GOD WANTS YOU TO BE Dig deep into God’s Word and learn amazing new facts, discover inspiring people and stories, and uncover all kinds of stuff that you never ever imagined was in the Bible. Helpful, fun, and often downright astonishing, the NIV Boys Bible features unique and meaningful content. FEATURES • • • • • • • What’s the Big Deal?—Need-to-know biblical stories and people Check It Out—Interesting and funny facts about Bible times and characters Grossology—Gross and gory stuff you never knew was in the Bible Makin’ It Real—Help for applying Bible stories to your everyday life Hundreds of highlighted verses worth memorizing Introductions to each book of the Bible Complete text of the New International Version 978-0-310-72308-0 Every NIV Bible you purchase helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world. USD $27.99 ISBN 978-0-310-72308-0 Printed in China