NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Activities | Page 10

1153  /   Mark 5:20  den ­plants, with such big branch­es that the ­birds can ­perch in its shade.” 33  With many sim­i ­l ar par­a ­bles ­Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could un­der­stand. 34  He did not say any­ thing to them with­out us­ing a par­a­ble. But when he was ­a lone with his own dis­ ci­ples, he ex­plained ev­ery­thing. Jesus Calms the Storm 35  That day when eve­n ing came, he said to his dis­c i­ples, “Let us go over to the oth­er side.” 36  Leav­ing the ­crowd be­hind, they took him ­a long, just as he was, in the boat. ­T here were also oth­er ­boats with him. 37  A fu­ri­ous ­squall came up, and the waves ­broke over the boat, so that it was near­ly ­swamped. 38  ­Jesus was in the ­stern, sleep­ing on a cush­ion. The dis­ci­ples woke him and said to him, “Teach­er, ­don’t you care if we drown?” 39  He got up, re­buked the wind and said to the ­waves, “Qui­et! Be ­still!” Then the wind died down and it was com­plete­ly calm. 40  He said to his dis­ci­ples, “Why are you so ­a fraid? Do you ­still have no faith?” 41  They were ter­r i­f ied and ­a sked each oth­er, “Who is this? Even the wind and the ­waves obey him!” him, “Come out of this man, you im­pure spir­it!” 9  Then ­Jesus ­asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Le­gion,” he re­plied, “for we are many.” 10  And he ­begged ­Jesus ­again and ­again not to send them out of the area. 11  A ­large herd of pigs was feed­ing on the near­by hill­side. 12  The de­mons ­begged Jesus, “Send us ­among the pigs; al­low us to go into them.” 13  He gave them per­mis­sion, and the im­pure spir­its came out and went into the pigs. The herd, ­about two thou­ sand in num­ber, ­r ushed down the ­steep bank into the lake and were drowned. 14  Those tend­i ng the pigs ran off and re­port­ed this in the town and coun­t ry­ side, and the peo­ple went out to see what had hap­p ened. 15  When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been pos­sessed by the le­gion of de­mons, sit­ting there, ­dressed and in his ­right mind; and they were ­a fraid. 16  Those who had seen it told the peo­ple what had hap­pened to the de­mon-pos­sessed man — ​a nd told ­about the pigs as well. 17  Then the peo­ple be­gan to ­plead with ­Jesus to ­leave ­their re­gion. The man from the region of the Gerasenes knew dead ­people better than his own family. He lived with the dead, slept in the tombs, and spent every day there. Good morning, bones and decomposing bodies! Jesus Restores a Demon- Possessed Man 5 They went ­across the lake to the re­gion of the Ger­a­senes.  a 2  When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an im­pure spir­it came from the tombs to meet him. 3  This man ­lived in the tombs, and no one ­could bind him any­ more, not even with a ­chain. 4  For he had of­ten been ­chained hand and foot, but he tore the ­chains ­apart and ­broke the ­irons on his feet. No one was ­strong ­enough to sub­due him. 5  Night and day ­a mong the tombs and in the ­h ills he ­would cry out and cut him­self with stones. 6  When he saw ­Jesus from a dis­t ance, he ran and fell on his ­k nees in ­f ront of him. 7  He shout­ed at the top of his ­voice, “What do you want with me, ­Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In ­God’s name don’t tor­t ure me!” 8  For ­Jesus had said to Mark 5:3 18  As ­Jesus was get­t ing into the boat, the man who had been de­mon-pos­sessed begged to go with him. 19  ­Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own peo­ple and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mer­c y on you.” 20  So the man went away and be­gan to tell in the De­cap­o­l is  b how a  1  Some manuscripts Gadarenes; other manuscripts Gergesenes    b  20  That is, the Ten Cities