NIV Baby Gift Bible NIV, Baby Gift Bible Sampler | Page 3

859  l   Mark 2:21 ­ ealed many who had the door, 34 and ­Jesus h var­i o ­ us dis­eas­es. He also ­drove out many de­mons, but he ­would not let the de­mons speak be­cause they knew who he was. Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place 35 Very ear­ly in the morn­ing, ­while it was ­still dark, ­Jesus got up, left the ­house and went off to a sol­i t ­ ary p ­ lace, ­where he prayed. 36  Si­mon and his com­pan­ions went to look for him, 37 and when they ­found him, they ex­claimed: “Ev­ery­one is look­ing for you!” 38 ­Jesus re­plied, “Let us go some­where else — ​to the near­by vil­lag­es — ​so I can preach ­ ­ there also. That is why I have come.” 39  So he trav­eled through­out Gal­i­lee, preach­ing in ­their syn­a­gogues and driv­ing out de­mons. Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy phem­ing! Who can for­give sins but God alone?” 8   Im­me­di­ate­ly ­Jesus knew in his spir­it that this was what they were think­ing in their h ­ earts, and he said to them, “Why are you think­ing ­these ­things? 9 Which is eas­i e ­ r: to say to this par­a l ­ yzed man, ‘Your sins are for­giv­en,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? 10 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has au­thor­i­ty on ­earth to for­give sins.” So he said to the man, 11 “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” 12 He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed ev­ery­one and they p ­ raised God, say­ing, “We have nev­er seen any­thing like this!” J ­ esus Calls Levi and Eats With Sinners 40  A man with lep­ro­sy  a came to him and ­ nees, “If you are will­ ­ egged him on his k b ing, you can make me clean.” 41 ­Jesus was in­dig­nant.  b He r ­ eached out his hand and ­touched the man. “I am will­ ing,” he said. “Be ­clean!” 42  Im­me­di­ate­ly the lep­ro­sy left him and he was cleansed. 43 ­Jesus sent him away at once with a ­strong warn­ing: 44 “See that you ­don’t tell this to any­one. But go, show your­self to the ­priest and of­fer the sac­ri­fic­es that Mo­ses com­mand­ed for your cleans­ing, as a tes­ti­ mo­ny to them.” 45 In­stead he went out and be­gan to talk free­ly, spread­ing the news. As a re­sult, ­Jesus c ­ ould no lon­ger en­ter a town open­ly but ­stayed out­side in lone­ly plac­es. Yet the peo­ple ­still came to him from ev­ ery­where. 13 Once ­again ­Jesus went out be­side the lake. A ­large ­crowd came to him, and he be­ gan to t ­ each them. 14 As he ­walked ­along, he saw Levi son of Al­phae­us sit­ting at the tax col­lec­tor’s ­booth. “Fol­low me,” ­Jesus told him, and Levi got up and fol­lowed him. 15 While ­Jesus was hav­ing din­ner at Le­ vi’s ­house, many tax col­lec­tors and sin­ners were eat­ing with him and his dis­ci­ples, for ­there were many who fol­lowed him. 16 When the teach­ers of the law who were Phar­i s ­ ees saw him eat­ing with the sin­ners and tax col­lec­tors, they ­asked his dis­ci­ples: “Why does he eat with tax col­lec­tors and sin­ners?” 17 On hear­ing this, ­Jesus said to them, “It is not the h ­ ealthy who need a doc­tor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righ­ teous, but sin­ners.” J ­ esus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man Jesus Questioned About Fasting 2 A few days lat­er, when ­Jesus ­again en­ tered Ca­per­na­um, the peo­ple ­heard that he had come home. 2   They gath­ered in such ­large num­bers that ­there was no room left, not even out­side the door, and he ­preached the word to them. 3 Some men came, bring­ing to him a par­a­lyzed man, car­ried by four of them. 4 Since they ­could not get him to ­Jesus be­cause of the c ­ rowd, they made an open­ing in the roof ­above Jesus by dig­ging t ­ hrough it and then low­ ered the mat the man was ly­ing on. 5 When Jesus saw t ­ heir f ­ aith, he said to the par­a­ lyzed man, “Son, your sins are for­giv­en.” 6 Now some teach­ers of the law were sit­ ting ­there, think­ing to them­selves, 7 “Why does this fel­low talk like that? He’s blas­ 18  Now ­John’s dis­ci­ples and the Phar­i­sees were fast­ing. Some peo­ple came and a ­ sked Jesus, “How is it that ­John’s dis­ci­ples and the dis­ci­ples of the Phar­i­sees are fast­ing, but ­yours are not?” 19 ­Jesus an­swered, “How can the ­guests of the bride­groom fast ­while he is with them? They can­not, so long as they have him with them. 20 But the time will come when the bride­groom will be tak­en from them, and on that day they will fast. 21 “No one sews a p ­ atch of un­shrunk cloth on an old gar­ment. Other­wise, the a  40  The Greek word traditionally translated leprosy was used for various diseases affecting the skin.    b  41  Many manuscripts ­Jesus was filled with compassion