NIV Application Bible Sampler | Page 9

1506 | Matthew 2:1 the Magi Visit the Messiah
Mt 1:24 ❖ Sometimes God ’ s commands are not easy . How can we better follow God ’ s will when the calling seems difficult ?
2:1 u Lk 2:4-7 v Lk 1:5
2:2 w Jer 23:5 ; Mt 27:11 ; Mk 15:2 ; Jn 1:49 ; 18:33- 37 x Nu 24:17
2:5 y Jn 7:42 2:6 z 2Sa 5:2 ; law , he asked them where the Mes si ah was to be born . 5 “ In Beth le hem y in Judea ,” they re plied , “ for this is what the proph et has writ ten :
6 “ ‘ But you , Bethlehem , in the land of Judah , are by no means least among the rulers of Judah ; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel .’ b ” z
7 Then Her od called the Magi se cret ly and found out from them the ex act time the star had ap peared . 8 He sent them to Beth le hem and said , “ Go and search care ful ly for the child . As soon as you
The Magi Visit the Messiah


Af ter Jesus was born in Beth le hem in Ju dea , u dur ing the time of King Her od , v Magi a from the east came to Jeru sa lem 2 and asked , “ Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews ? w We saw his star x when it rose and have come to wor ship him .”
3 When King Her od heard this he was dis turbed , and all Je ru sa lem with him . 4 When he had called to geth er all the people ’ s chief priests and teach ers of the Mic 5:2 a
1 Traditionally wise men b
6 Micah 5:2,4
2:1 – 2 Herod most likely died in March of 4 BC . Since Herod is still alive when the magi arrive in Jerusalem , the dating of Jesus ’ birth is placed by most scholars somewhere between 6 and 4 BC .
The universal significance of the birth of the child Jesus is announced immediately because magi from the east arrive in Jerusalem . The term “ magi ” originally referred to a priestly caste in ancient Persia . The arrival of Gentile religious leaders from the east implies they had been regularly exposed to Hebrew Scriptures , prophecy , and teachers . The magi may have become familiar with Balaam ’ s prophecy of a messianic deliverer ( Nu 24:17 ).
2:3 – 8 The word “ Jerusalem ” represents the religious and political leadership of Israel . The leadership know the consequences they might suffer if Herod were to fly into a rage at the perceived threat . They have aligned themselves politically with Herod , and if his power base is threatened , so is theirs .
The central leadership of the Jews was lodged in the “ chief priests ” and the “ teachers of the law ” ( v . 4 ). The chief priests were members of the Sanhedrin , joining the high priest in giving oversight to the temple activities , treasury , and priestly orders .
MATTHEW 2:1 – 12 : Herod the Great was a tyrannical and vengeful king , yet he was also an architectural genius . Some of his building achievements still stand today .
Herod ’ s story in the Bible shows only his paranoid and vengeful side . When Magi from the east came to his palace asking about a new king born in the area , “ he was disturbed , and all Jerusalem with him ” ( Mt 2:3 ). As king , his mental state affected his entire community .
Herod hid his wrath from the Magi and disguised it with interest . Learning from the religious leaders that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem nearby , Herod sent the Magi to find baby Jesus and to report back to him when they had done , “ so that I too may go and worship him ” ( Mt 2:8 ). The Magi , however , were warned in a dream not to return to Herod . They went home by another route .
When Herod realized he had been duped , he flew into a rage . Like Pharaoh killing the baby Hebrew boys ( Ex 1:22 ), Herod demanded that all the boys around Bethlehem under the age of two be put to death ( Mt 2:16 ). He could not abide the thought of a challenger to his authority . Joseph , Mary and Jesus escaped ; an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt .
APPLICATION Herod ’ s legacy is a warning about the danger of sin in the life of a person in the position of power . Herod was a brilliant man , but his pride , jealousy and anger made him a terrible and terrifying leader . While we may not wield the same power as Herod , our hearts are susceptible to the same danger . In any position of leadership or authority , we need to examine our motivations and calling . Instead of seeking to preserve our own control and authority , we need to humble ourselves to God ’ s authority and allow him to guide us as we acknowledge that he is the true King and Leader of all .