NIV Application Bible Sampler | Page 21

1518 | Matthew 7:1 Juedging Others
Matthew 6:26 : “ Look at the birds of the air ; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns , and yet your heavenly Father feeds them .”
The created world is full of wonder . Generation after generation of animals survive in seemingly hostile conditions . From the smallest insects to the largest whales , the surviving and thriving of animals is a testimony to God , their heavenly provider .
God himself points this out to Job . God asked Job : Do you feed the lions ? Do you feed the baby ravens ? ( Job 38:39 – 41 ). The point is that God alone provides for his creatures . Humorously , God points to the example of an ostrich mother : she ’ s so foolish that she lays her eggs on the ground where they could get crushed , and then when they hatch , she is not even a good mother ( Job 39:13 – 18 ). Despite that , the ostrich survives and puts even the horse and rider to shame when it runs .
When Jesus spoke about God providing for the needs of even the smallest birds , his point was that God will also supply the needs of his children . If God provides for little birds , how much more will God provide for his people who love him ? Therefore , Jesus says , do not worry about what you will eat or what you will wear ( Mt 6:25 ). God , your heavenly provider , knows what you need . The same God who provides for the lion , the raven and the ostrich will provide for you .
APPLICATION Jesus talks about God being our heavenly provider to teach us to trust in him . Sometimes we can get caught up in cycles of worry : Will we have enough ? What if we don ’ t ? Our thoughts spiral into fear and fretting . Jesus wants to break us out of those unhealthy cycles . He reminds us that God already knows what we need , and God is our loving provider . Worry will not help us . We need to bring our hearts and minds back to God , our heavenly Father .
Judging Others 7:3 – 5pp // Lk 6:41,42


Do not judge , or you too will be judged . f 2 For in the same way you judge oth ers , you will be judged , and with the mea sure you use , it will be measured to you . g
3 “ Why do you look at the speck of saw dust in your broth er ’ s eye and pay no at ten tion to the plank in your own eye ? 4 How can you say to your broth er , ‘ Let me take the speck out of your eye ,’ when all the time there is a plank in your
7:1 f Lk 6:37 ; Ro 14:4 , 10 , 13 ; 1Co 4:5 ; Jas 4:11 , 12
7:2 g Mk 4:24 ; Lk 6:38
7:7 h Mt 21:22 ; Mk 11:24 ; Jn 14:13 , 14 ; 15:7 , 16 ; 16:23 , 24 ; Jas 1:5-8 ; 4:2 , 3 ; 1Jn 3:22 ; 5:14 , 15 own eye ? 5 You hyp o crite , first take the plank out of your own eye , and then you will see clear ly to re move the speck from your broth er ’ s eye .
6 “ Do not give dogs what is sa cred ; do not throw your pearls to pigs . If you do , they may tram ple them un der their feet , and turn and tear you to piec es .
Ask , Seek , Knock 7:7 – 11pp // Lk 11:9 – 13
7 “ Ask and it will be giv en to you ; h seek and you will find ; knock and the door allow it to take our eyes off Jesus . We substitute despair , hopelessness , or fear in place of God and turn to our own efforts at trying to control our environment . This can be a harsh world , and worry can consume us . A way of reversing the trend toward anxiety is to look around at what we have and what God has done and then say , “ Thank you .” He is our master and provider , the one who has given us kingdom life , kingdom priorities , and kingdom values , by which we can truly say , “ Thank you .”
7:1 – 5 True disciples , those who have been impacted by the mercy of God in the arrival of the kingdom of heaven , will exhibit mercy toward one another , not judgment . The responsibility to help each other remove the “ speck ” of sin must come from
a humble and self- examined life : one that has first removed the “ plank ” of self- righteous judgment . 7:6 In the ancient world , dogs lived in squalor , running the streets and scavenging for food . The reference here includes all those who are hostile to Jesus ’ disciples . The gospel of the kingdom must not be defiled by those who are unreceptive to , or have rejected , Jesus ’ invitation .
Pigs , like dogs , were scavenging animals . “ Pearls ” symbolize the value of the message of the kingdom of heaven . Something so valuable should not be given to those who have no appreciation for such precious truths ; their nature is demonstrated by their rejection of that message . 7:7 – 8 “ Ask ” indicates coming to God with humility . “ Seek ” links praying with action ; for instance , praying for a job while at the same time checking out leads . “ Knock ” includes perseverance , as