NIV Adventure Bible Sampler - Book of Mark | Page 19

Mark 10 1109
25 It is eas i er for a cam el to go through the
eye of a nee dle than for some one who is rich to en ter the king dom of God .”
26 The dis ci ples were even more amazed ,
and said to each oth er , “ Who then can be saved ?”
27 Jesus looked at them and said , “ With
man this is im pos si ble , but not with God ; all things are pos si ble with God .”
28 Then Pe ter spoke up , “ We have left every thing to fol low you !”
29 “ Tru ly I tell you ,” Jesus re plied , “ no one
who has left home or broth ers or sis ters or moth er or fa ther or chil dren or fields for me and the gos pel 30 will fail to re ceive a hun dred times as much in this pres ent age : homes , broth ers , sis ters , moth ers , chil dren and fields — along with per se cu tions — and in the age to come eter nal life . 31 But many who are first will be last , and the last first .”
Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time
32 They were on their way up to Je ru salem , with Jesus lead ing the way , and the dis ci ples were as ton ished , while those who fol lowed were afraid . Again he took the Twelve aside and told them what was go ing to hap pen to him . 33 “ We are go ing up to Je ru sa lem ,” he said , “ and the Son of Man will be de liv ered over to the chief priests and the teach ers of the law . They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gen tiles , 34 who will mock him and spit on him , flog him and kill him . Three days lat er he will rise .”
The Request of James and John
35 Then James and John , the sons of Zebe dee , came to him . “ Teach er ,” they said , “ we want you to do for us what ev er we ask .”
36 “ What do you want me to do for you ?”
he asked .
37 They re plied , “ Let one of us sit at your
right and the oth er at your left in your glory .”
38 “ You don ’ t know what you are ask ing ,”
Jesus said . “ Can you drink the cup I drink or be bap tized with the bap tism I am baptized with ?”
39 “ We can ,” they an swered .
Jesus said to them , “ You will drink the cup I drink and be bap tized with the baptism I am bap tized with , 40 but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant . These plac es be long to those for whom they have been pre pared .”
41 When the ten heard about this , they
be came in dig nant with James and John .
Being an Important Person
Read Mark 10:35 – 45 . Jesus told his disciples that , to be really important , they must serve others ( Mark 10:43 ).
Here are two lists of things kids may do . Which list describes a person who is willing to be a servant instead of wanting to be the boss ? Even boys and girls can be great Christians if they are willing to serve .
List # 1
• Always wants to be the leader in games .
• Brags about high grades .
• Wants only the best players on his team .
• Always insists “ I ’ m right .”
• Never listens to others ’ ideas .
List # 2
• Takes turns with others being leader .
• Helps others out with schoolwork .
• Wants friends on her team even if they ’ re not the best .
• Gives in sometimes to others .
• Listens to others , and shares his own ideas too .
Mark 10:35 – 45