NIV Adventure Bible Sampler - Book of Mark | Page 16

1106 Mark 8 – 9
Jesus performed many miracles and taught his followers important lessons , but he was much more than a prophet and teacher . He is the Son of God . God chose Jesus to be the Christ , which means that he is the Savior of his people . God called Jesus “ my Son ” ( Mark 9:7 ), which shows that Jesus is truly God . The name “ Son of Man ” ( Mark 8:31 ) tells us that Jesus was also a real human being .
re ject ed by the el ders , the chief priests and the teach ers of the law , and that he must be killed and af ter three days rise again . 32 He spoke plain ly about this , and Pe ter took him aside and be gan to re buke him .
33 But when Jesus turned and looked at
his dis ci ples , he re buked Pe ter . “ Get behind me , Sa tan !” he said . “ You do not have in mind the con cerns of God , but mere ly hu man con cerns .”
The Way of the Cross
34 Then he called the crowd to him along
with his dis ci ples and said : “ Who ev er wants to be my dis ci ple must deny themselves and take up their cross and fol low me . 35 For who ev er wants to save their life a will lose it , but who ev er los es their life for me and for the gos pel will save it . 36 What good is it for some one to gain the whole world , yet for feit their soul ? 37 Or what can any one give in ex change for their soul ? 38 If any one is ashamed of me and my words in this adul ter ous and sin ful gen er a tion , the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Fa ther ’ s glo ry with the holy
an gels .”


And he said to them , “ Tru ly I tell you , some who are stand ing here will not taste death be fore they see that the kingdom of God has come with pow er .”
The Transfiguration
2 Af ter six days Jesus took Pe ter , James
and John with him and led them up a high moun tain , where they were all alone . There he was trans fig ured be fore them . 3 His clothes be came daz zling white , whit er than any one in the world could bleach them .
4 And there ap peared be fore them Eli jah
and Mo ses , who were talk ing with Jesus .
5 Pe ter said to Jesus , “ Rab bi , it is good
for us to be here . Let us put up three shelters — ​one for you , one for Mo ses and one for Eli jah .” 6 ( He did not know what to say , they were so fright ened .)
7 Then a cloud ap peared and cov ered
them , and a voice came from the cloud : “ This is my Son , whom I love . Lis ten to him !”
8 Sud den ly , when they looked around ,
they no lon ger saw any one with them except Jesus .
9 As they were com ing down the mountain , Jesus gave them or ders not to tell any one what they had seen un til the Son of Man had ris en from the dead . 10 They kept the mat ter to them selves , dis cuss ing what “ ris ing from the dead ” meant .
11 And they asked him , “ Why do the
teach ers of the law say that Eli jah must come first ?”
12 Jesus re plied , “ To be sure , Eli jah does
come first , and re stores all things . Why then is it writ ten that the Son of Man must suf fer much and be re ject ed ? 13 But I tell you , Eli jah has come , and they have done to him ev ery thing they wished , just as it is writ ten about him .”
a 35 The Greek word means either life or soul ; also in verses 36 and 37 .
This is my Son , whom I love . Listen to him !
Mark 9:7