NIV Adventure Bible Adventure Bible Kids' Activities | Page 3

1 3 2 4 5 jesus’s life 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Can you figure out the crossword puzzle? ACROSS 2. Jesus was born in the town of _______________ (Luke 2). 5. Forty days after he rose from the dead, Jesus went back up to heaven, and a _____________ hid him from the disciples’ sight (Acts 1). 6. In the desert, Jesus fasted for _______________ days before the Devil began to tempt him (Matthew 4). 7. When Jesus was transfigured on the mountaintop and some of the disciples saw his glory, his clothes became dazzling _______________ (Mark 9). 10. While Jesus was on trial, Peter disowned him _______________ times, saying that he didn’t know Jesus (Mark 14). 14. At the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples gathered in an upper room to share a special meal called the _______________ (Luke 22). 15. After his friend _______________ died, Jesus raised him from the dead (John 11). 17. Jesus was baptized in the _______________ River by his cousin, John the Baptist (Matthew 3). 18. To escape from King Herod, Jesus’s parents took him to ___________ (Matthew 2). 19. Peter said that Jesus was the _______________ (which means “the anointed one”) and the Son of God (Matthew 16). DOWN 1. Jesus performed his first miracle at a _______________ in the town of Cana, where he turned water into wine (John 2). Copyright © 2010 by Zondervan 3. Jesus taught that the most important command is to love the _______________, and the second most important one is to love your neighbor (Mark 12). 4. When some men with a paralyzed friend could not get into a crowded house to see Jesus, they dug a hole through the _______________ (Mark 2). 5. Joseph, who raised Jesus as his son, was a _______________, and Jesus became one too (Matthew 13; Mark 6). 8. Jesus told his disciples that he was going away to prepare a place for them in his Father’s _______________, (John 14). 9. When Jesus was twelve years old and his parents were looking all over for him, they found him in the courts of the _______________ (Luke 2). 11. When the women went to Jesus’s tomb on Sunday morning, an angel told them, “He is not here; he has _____________” (Matthew 28). 12. After King Herod died, Jesus’s parents took him home to _______________, and he grew up there (Matthew 2). 13. As Jesus was crucified, the sign above him read, “This is Jesus, the _______________ of the Jews” (Matthew 27). 14. When Jesus called some fishermen to be his disciples, he told them, “From now on you will fish for _______________” (Luke 5). 16. During a terrible storm, Jesus was _______________ in the back of the boat; then he calmed the wind and the waves (Mark 4). 17. One of Jesus’s disciples, named _______________, betrayed him by guiding soldiers and officials to a garden so they could arrest him (John 18).