NIV Adventure Bible Adventure Bible Back to School Activities | Page 2

7 8 5 14 18 9 6 20 16 places in the bible 12 13 10 2 3 1 15 4 11 19 17 Can you figure out the crossword puzzle? ACROSS 1. The place where Moses died (Deuteronomy 34). 3. After His resurrection, two of Jesus’ followers met up with their Lord on this road (Luke 24). 4. Jesus was anointed with very special perfume in this place (Mark 14). 5. Once called Topheth, or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, this place was renamed when God punished the people of Judah (Jeremiah 7) (4 words Hint: The ________ of ________). 6. The place where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God (Exodus 19) (2 words). 9. After he left Athens, the Lord told Paul not to be afraid of preaching in this place (Acts 18). 11. Moses famously parts this sea so that the Israelites can cross over into safety (Exodus 14) (2 words). 12. Only after Herod died was Joseph able to take his family back to this city (Matthew 2). 13. Where Adam and Eve lived until the Fall of Man (Genesis 2). 17. Where Solomon built a great temple to honor the Lord (1 Kings 6). Copyright © 2010 by Zondervan DOWN 2. Where Jesus was born (Luke 2). 7. When this city was destroyed, only Rahab and her family were spared because they helped God’s people (Joshua 2). 8. God burned these to cities to the ground when they failed to follow his orders, though he spared Lot and those of his family who were willing to trust in God (Genesis 19) (3 words). 10. Joseph, later called Barnabas, was originally from this town (Acts 4). 14. The place where Saul heard God’s voice and underwent a conversion (Acts 9). 15. The name of the river where John the Baptist preached and baptized people (Matthew 3). 16. Simon, who helped Jesus carry his cross, was from this city (Luke 23). 18. The name of the city where Joshua and his army suffered defeat and celebrated victory (Joshua 7-8). 19. Moses and the Israelites fled this place to escape an evil Pharaoh (Exodus 13). 20. The name of the place where Jesus was crucified (John 19).