Niterói em Fatos e Fotos Niterói em Fatos e Fotos | Page 24

NITERÓI IN FACTS AND PHOTOS crowns 15 years of activities and success of DB Editora , led by partners and siblings Franciane Barbosa and Antonio Schumacher . This is the duo ’ s fourth book after the excellent A História da Medicina em Niterói ( 2018 ), Câmara Municipal de Niterói – 200 anos de glórias ( 2019 ) e A Cirurgia que eu Vivi ( 2019 ), all with great approval by Niterói ’ s citizens . With this book , the publishing house broadens its horizons and offers the rich history of the “ Smile City ” illustrated by beautiful photos for viewers from all over the world .
In just two years , this intense literary production takes place simultaneously with the 20 th edition of DB ’ s main publication and the purpose for its creation : Anuário Niterói Design , considered one of the best and most traditional local advertising channels . The magazine set the benchmark for interior design , culture , aesthetics , health , fashion , tourism and gastronomy , addressing several subjects with responsibility , suitability and an easy-going touch , through informative and up-to-date articles . The publication was awarded the Prêmio Qualidade Brasil ( a nationwide award for quality ) in 2009 and an Award of Recognition from the City Council of Niterói in 2010 for its relevance to the city .
Franciane Barbosa was born in Araruama on September 15 th , 1975 and came to Niterói when she was 2 years old . Niterói ’ s citizen at heart , she was named an honorary citizen from de City Council in 2020 . Graduated in Business Administration from Estácio de Sá University , Franciane is the head of the commercial and operational areas at the publishing house with a focus on project development . Antonio Schumacher was born in Niterói on August 8 th , 1980 , graduated in Law from Salgado de Oliveira University and manages the design and photography areas of the company . Children of loving parents , the siblings were raised with solid values based on family , love , honesty , humility , solidarity , respect and gratitude .
In love with Niterói , the siblings also decided to work together , with the mission of opening a company which purpose was to show the best of the city . This was how DB Editora was opened in 2005 , with the purpose of publishing the yearbook Anuário Niterói Design . Franciane ’ s spirit of leadership allied with Antonio ’ s creative talent results in the high standard of quality presented in each work of the company .
The release of the book A História da Medicina em Niterói , an important milestone for DB , consists of a 216 page summary of the progression of Medicine and the medical profession from the foundation of the city to the current times , spanning four centuries of events that have marked both the local population and health directions in the state and country . The book was one of the first projects carried out through the Municipal Incentive-to-Culture Law and had as its only sponsor the Hospital Complex of Niterói ( CHN ). Totally accessible , the publication had a circulation of two thousand copies and 100 % free distribution , including its availability on the Internet for reading and printing , aimed mainly at libraries , schools , public and private universities and medical institutions .
The bicentenary of the Niteroi Legislature brought an invitation to publish the book Câmara Municipal de Niterói – 200 Anos de Glória ( a book about the City Council ). This was a unique and official commemorative edition recounting its history from the old settlement that would become the Royal Village of Praia Grande and later the city of Niterói . The steadfast presence of the Portuguese royal family on this side of the Guanabara Bay , tells of the administrative power of councilors before there was no City Hall . The book retells the development of this urban space and its promotion to the status of state capital , its striking characters – including women councilors – and the local laws that inspired many others throughout Brazil . With a circulation of two thousand copies , the work was distributed free of charge by the City Council .
Another exciting job was to carry out the autobiography A Cirurgia que eu Vivi , by the general surgeon , university professor , class leader and academic Guilherme Eurico Bastos da Cunha , narrating his trajectory since his happy childhood in Niterói until he became the successful professional , pioneer in technical methodologies that saved lives and with scientific performance even abroad . A book full of historical data , sense of humor and emotion . Former president of the Brazilian College of Surgeons , among other entities , and one of the founders of the Rio de Janeiro State Academy of Medicine ( Acamerj ), he trained more than 700 doctors in 35 years of university classrooms and in charge of the medical residency – implanted by him – at Orêncio de Freitas Hospital .
The book NITERÓI IN FACTS AND PHOTOS is the accomplishment of a dream cultivated four years ago by the entrepreneur siblings , as well as being a unique work for DB Editora , which , through a publication that is especially significant for local culture and tourism , praises and highlights the history , beauty and qualitative differentials of the city for its natives , migrants and tourists .
DB Editora has so many reasons to celebrate in 2020 . After all , besides the successful literary production , there are few advertising vehicles that are perpetuated for 15 years like Anuário Niterói Design in such a competitive market . The partners believe that this victory is due to complicity and love for each other and both for the company , permeated by dedication and resilience in everything they do professionally and , above all , by absolute faith in God .
The union of the siblings is like the trunk of a leafy tree , of which Franciane is the root – vigorously firm to the ground – and Antonio , the strong and green branches appointing to the sky . An unshakable partnership that grows more and more solid and beautiful , passing through all the obstacles in life .