Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 86

ADAB Talk by Shaykh Tauqeer Chaudhary ‫دامت بركاهتم‬ transcribed by the students of Nur ul Ilm Academy W e need to show adab (etiquettes) to all the signs of Allah , and all those things which have a connection with Him. Examples of the signs would be The Quran, the Messenger of Allah  etc. Allah  says in The Quran, َ ‫َو َمن ُي َعظم ش َعا� الل َفإ نَّ�ا ِمن َت ْق‬ َ ِ َّ َ ِ ‫ِّ ْ َ ئ‬ ‫وى‬ ِ ُ ْ ُ ‫القلوب‬ ِ “Whoever does adab of the signs of Allah  it is because of taqwa in their hearts.” (22:32) One of the ways to show taqwa(to abstain from sins) is to do the proper adab of the signs of Allah  and whoever does not do the adab of the signs of Allah  and he feels that he is a person of taqwa, his claim is wrong. Adab of the Quran It is the book of Allah  and He has mentioned the adab of the Quran in His book. The first adab is: َ ُ ْ َّ ُّ َ َّ ‫ل َي�س ُه ِإل الط َّه ُرون‬ “Nobody touches this Quran except the people who are pure.”(56:79) NISBAH 86 If someone wants to touch Quran, the adab is that they have to be in a state of complete purity, from minor impurity and major impurity. Somebody told Sayyiduna Umar bin Al-Khattab  that your sister has accepted Islam. When he found her, she was reciting the Quran. She had written it on something, and when he wanted to see it, Sayyidah Fatima said ‘Go and take a bath first because you are impure. Purify yourself and only then, am I going to give you this.’ All four Imams have agreed upon this, that to touch the Quran, it is necessary to be free of all sorts of minor and major impurity. Adab of The Kabah (House of Allah ) It is a place about which Allah  has said that this is His house. He ordered Ibrahim  and Ismail u, َ ِّ َ َ‫أن ط َرا َب ْي ِ ت ي‬ � “That they purify My House.” (2:125) He is saying this is my house; just imagine what sort of importance this place has. The worst lack of adab, people can show to the house of Allah 