Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 85

the burden of sins, and my arteries were clogged with the filth of disobedience. Now my body bears a lighter burden but I wonder if the rusted chambers of my heart are able to absorb your purifying radiance. So I close my eyes, and take your hand. Lead me whichever way you know, and I will follow. I will take the road that you take, I will follow the path that you instruct me to. This path, that has no hidden passages and no deceiving bends, only a single exit. When I come to a cross road, I will grasp your hand firmer so I am not lost in the oncoming traffic. I don’t know any other way, my beloved Shaykh. Please don’t let me become separated from you. Please guide me to the exit you are guided to. As long as I am grasping your hand, I am hopeful that we will emerge from it together.’ It seems like some time has passed. I raise my head and look up. I must have fallen asleep. The sister is no longer there. I notice that my Shaykh’s business card is missing from my pile of papers. It has been replaced by a note which reads : ‘Need to lose a few pounds for my ultimate life check…can’t do it alone’. Shazia Hussain is a third year student of the Nur ul Ilm Academy. She graduated in 1998 from the University of Warwick with a BSc Honours degree in Biological Sciences and Virology. She lives in Coventry, UK with her husband and three beautiful daughters.