Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 84

the correct way and redirecting me when I fall off the balance beam. ‘Tell me sis, is Sumayyah losing this weight because Amirah is asking her to? No, she is trying to lose this weight because she needs better health. Just like her personal trainer tells her, that ‘When your annual health check comes round, the doctor will be checking your blood pressure and cholesterol, not mine.’ Likewise, my Shaykh frequently reminds me that he is going to his grave, and I am going to mine. What will my weighing scale read, the day I have to account for all those pounds of sin that I should have melted away in the worldly life. A high intensity workout can gradually burn through layers of unwanted inches, just like the intense heat of the hellfire can burn away the accumulation of sins but it’s tough and painful, and nothing more than a torturous, never ending punishment. My Shaykh is preparing me, not for my annual health check, but for my ultimate life check. Together, we have hope that when that day comes, my heart will be glowing with lustre, and my arteries will be cleared out and radiating the light of purity. That day, my diary of consumption will be returned to me and we have hope that the calories burned, will exceed the calories consumed and that in the end, my scales will give a healthy reading. ‘Now do you see what it means to have a Shaykh? How long will you be running on the spot, never achieving that goal? Trying one fad diet after another and feeling like a failure every time, as you are watching the pounds pile on. Where will you turn to when that box of chocolates is pushed under your nose? Who will be there to stop you giving up when you are struggling through those last ten sit ups? O my personal trainer, my beloved Shaykh. When I started my training with you, my joints ached with