Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 83

with unmanageable tasks, and he has hope that the baby steps will one day become effortless strides. Three years have passed since I found my personal trainer. It took some patience and struggle from my side to realise that he had never really intended for me to start a diet, When I am disheartened by the taunts of drop the pounds and live a happily-everthose around me, he is the one who looks size-ten-after. He knew from the beginning beyond the epidermal layers and speaks to that this world is not a salad bar, and that for my heart, saying, ‘Don’t stop now, we will the rest of my life I would be surrounded by get through this together.’ He is the one who the temptation of the pakoras and biryanis calls out from the crowd, pushing me to get of the world. through that last round of sit ups, counting down with me as I struggle through the pain I understand now, that this struggle will not and the sweat of a high intensity workout. end until I have reached my grave. The only thing my Shaykh required from me was my When I just can’t resist that last slice trust, my submission and my love, and in of cheesy crust pizza, and everyone return he showed me how to invite around me is urging me ‘Go on, one the mercy of Allah  into my slice won’t hurt’ it is his image heart. Now, that fresh cream in my mind- his reassuring cake of sin, no longer looks glance, watching over me, as appetizing as it used reminding me what I to. have to keep away from. Through his commitment That is to me, I can what I find see the counter my source of on my treadmill encouragement in. telling me that, yes, I At the end of the week, am in fact burning the when the time comes to calories away, even though evaluate the calorie intake, it’s sometimes it seems I am running my personal trainer that I hand on the spot. When the pounds of over my food diary to. He doesn’t disobedience begin to drop, I know I tease, he doesn’t belittle. He doesn’t have him to thank. I want to show him humiliate me regarding that Friday night how much he means to me. My Spiritual take-out. He doesn’t order me to get back Guide, who pulled me out from the abyss on the treadmill. He doesn’t punish me of my wretched existence and swathed me with a hundred sit-ups. He simply turns to with his love and acceptance, when all a fresh page of my food diary and says, ‘Let’s others would have despised me and cast move on’. This is where I feel a nameless me aside had they