Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 82

down her spiral of depression and misery.’ I pause for a moment, and then look directly at the sister. ‘Sumayyah is young and misguided, she does not have the wisdom and experience to know how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. She wants an overnight solution for a life time of bad eating habits. Sumayyah’s breakthrough comes when she finally begins to realise and accepts that she needs help’. Amirah, as she realises that she needs her trainer’s dedication and encouragement to get her through this tough weight loss programme.’ I look at the sister and ask ‘Do you see the point I’m trying to get at here, sis?’ She stares at me, bemused. I take her gently by the shoulders. ‘Don’t you understand what I’m trying to tell you?’ ‘Sumayyah turns to her local gym and enquires about a personal trainer. She meets with Sister Amirah, who has years of training and experience in the field of diet and fitness. Amirah understands her background. She has seen this type of dieter many times before. She has also been through her own weight loss struggle. She acknowledges Sumayyah’s concerns and gives her a few small goals to work on, nothing that will overburden her, just baby steps..., bite-sized pieces. I’m concerned she didn’t get my point. I push the empty glasses to one side and lean closer. ‘Listen to me, sis. All my life I have been over-indulging in disobedience. Consuming the empty calories of heedlessness and piling on the pounds of sin. My heart is coated with a seal of saturated filth and my arteries are clogged with the cholesterol of misguidance. I run on my treadmill every day but I remain in the same spot, the belt keeps turning but I don’t know which direction I’m heading towards. After several meetings, Sumayyah realises she has found someone she can trust and have confidence in. She feels inspired by Amirah and values her company. She takes the advices given, follows the workouts that are tailored to her fitness level, and as the weight starts to drop, her motivation increases. Over time, the trust between trainer and dieter builds up and Amirah is able to give her new goals to work towards, and Sumayyah, having seen results, takes them on readily. She develops a deep respect for ‘My Shaykh, he is the personal trainer of my heart. He knows what works and what doesn’t work. Just like Amirah knows that extreme dieting will make Sumayyah’s metabolism slow and the weight will come piling back on, my Shaykh knows the perfect balance of dhikr, Quran and istighfar that will facilitate a healthy spiritual progression. Amirah knows that in the beginning, Sumayyah will not be able to run ten km, so she gives her bite-sized pieces. Similarly, my Shaykh does not overburden me