Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 79

“You see your faces in the mirror but you do not see the blemishes in your heart.” - Baji Jaan “Etiquettes are going to give you something which no knowledge can give.” - Baji Jaan “True Mashaykh are those who paint the student with the colour of Allah.” - Hazrat “We are living on the mercy of Allah  and then we disobey Allah ?” Very strange! - Hazrat “Best way to care for one’s children is to be role models for them.” - Hazrat “Whoever has a sound heart, he loves for the sake of Allah, hates for the sake of Allah, gives for the sake of Allah and stops for the sake of Allah.” - Hazrat “Do istighfaar with your heart, not just with your tongue.” - Hazrat Hazrat refers to Shaykh Tauqeer Chaudhary Baji Jaan refers to ‘Aalimah Nadia Sadiq