Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 68

The Prophet  , the mercy to all mankind, was sixty three years and four days of age, when he died. Aisha came out of the house and announced the death of the Prophet , and immediately, there was an explosion of grief and sorrow. Umar  was hit with such grief and denial, that he held out his sword, threatening to cut off the head of whoever said that the Prophet  was no more in this world. Upon seeing this Abu Bakr Siddiq  announced to the people, ‘Whoever worshipped Mohammad , know that Mohammad  is dead, and whoever worships Allah, know that Allah will never die.’ The death of the Prophet  wa s the g reatest g rief, the Muslims had to endure. He was the only messenger that was sent to deliver the message of Allah  to all of humanity, and not to just one group of people. Such was his legacy to the people he left behind, that we remember him with a deep yearning in our hearts, and will continue to do so until we meet him insha’Allah at the Hawd -e-Kawthar, and be given the water from his blessed hands. Ameen. Fatima Chohan is student of ‘Aalimiyyah at Nur ul Ilm Academy. She has a Diagnostic Radiography degree from St. Martin’s College, UK, and a Post Graduate diploma in Medical Ultrasound from King’s College, London. She is a mother of two beautiful daughters and resides in Dubai.