Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 66

A day or two before the death of Prophet , he felt well enough to perform the prayers, so he went out, leaning on a couple of Sahaba  in order to pray the Dhuhr prayer. Abu Bakr  moved aside to allow the Prophet  to lead the prayers, but the Prophet  gestured for him to stay, and he seated himself to the left side of Abu Bakr Siddiq . TheProphet  led the prayer, and Abu Bakr  followed him, and raised his voice at every takbir, so the people could hear clearly. On Sunday, the day before the Prophet  died, he set his slaves free, he mortgaged his armour with a Jew as a security, for 30 sa’a of barley. He paid seven dinars in charity, and gave his swords as presents to the Muslims. When night fell, Aisha did not even have enough oil to light her lamp, and had to borrow from a neighbour. NISBAH 66 In the narration of Anas ibn Malik , at Fajr time on Monday,  the  last day of the Prophet  on this earth,the muslims were performing prayer led by Abu Bakr Siddiq . When they finished, they were surprised to see the Prophet  lift the curtain of the house of Aisha , and smile cheerfully. Abu Bakr  began to move to give way to him again, thinking he was coming out, but the Prophet  gestured for him to continue. The Prophet  did not live till the next prayer time. By daytime, the Prophet  summoned his beloved daughter Fatima to his bedside and told her something in secret, which made her cry. He then whispered something else in her ear which made her laugh. Later, after the death of the Prophet  ,  Aisha asked Fatima what had