Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 64

The Last Days By Fatima Chohan He was Rasulun Kareem. He was Sayyid ul Mursaleen. He was Khatam an Nabiyyeen. He was Rahmat ul lil ‘Aalameen. He is Mohammad . His birth was a moment in history. His death was a  moment in history. is last days left a void in the hearts of those around him, and those who came after him. We remember his last days, as has reached us from the Sahaba Karaam . H Once the Prophet  knew the severity of his illness, he took it upon himself to visit the graves of the martyrs of Uhud. He sent salaam on them, followed by an assurance he would join them soon. Three months after performing his last hajj and delivering his last khutbah (speech)in the Uranah Valley of Arafat, on Monday the 29th of Safar, in the 11th year of Hijrah, Prophet  began to experience a severe headache followed by a very high fever. This led to a very weak and frail state. Directly after, he visited his   living Sahaba  with tears in his eyes, saying, ‘I miss my brothers.’ The Sahabah  were confused, and asked, ‘A re we not your brothers?’ The Prophet  replied, ‘My brothers are those who are going to come after me and follow me.’ NISBAH 64