Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 61

day. But actually, there is a lot of barakah (blessings of Allah ) in this time. Waking up earlier and praying gives your body more time to energise, so by the time you have to go to work or school the morning grogginess has subsided, instead of being half asleep an hour after you reach work. It also gives you time to shower in the mornings so you are fresh and prepared for the day, and gives you adequate time to have breakfast. • Set multiple alarms – one on your mobile and one on your clock – and set them five minutes apart. You should also place your alarm-clock away from your bed so you have to get up to silence it. Rising for Tahajjud • Nap for half an hour in the afternoon or evening. Many of us struggle to offer our tahajjud prayers due to oversleeping. So what can you do to make sure you wake up on time? • Make a sincere intention that you will wake up and pray a few rakats of tahajjud before Fajr, and seek the help of Allah I in sleeping peacefully and rising on time. • Sleep early – immediately after Isha prayer is the best time to sleep to ensure you get a good night’s sleep and can wake up for tahajjud. • Set your alarm twenty to thirty minutes before Fajr adhaan so you don’t have to rush. • Whengoingtosleep,reciteAyaat-ulkursi, Surat-ul Ikhlas, al-Falaq and an-Naas as well as masnoon duas (recommended supplications) for sleeping. May Allah  give us the tawfeeq (ability) to be among those who pray tahajjud regularly, in order to gain his love and closeness. Ameen.