Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 58

give them up purely for the pleasure of Allah  and for fear of Divine chastisement. In terms of the second meaning, nasuh would signify that ‘the sinner is required to repair the torn clothes of righteous deeds’. Sayyiduna Hasan Basri v says that tawbatan nasuha signifies that a person should regret his past evil actions, and make a firm resolve never to repeat them. Kalbi v says the phrase taubatan nasuha signifies that a person should pray for pardon with his tongue, regret in his heart, and should prevent the limbs of his body from committing sins in the future. Sayyiduna Ali    was asked as to what is tawbah’ and he replied that it consists of six elements: [1] to regret one’s past evil deeds; [2] to carry out Divine duties that were missed; [3] to restore the rights that were usurped; [4] to ask forgiveness of a person who has been wronged by him physically or verbally; [5] to make a firm resolve of avoiding the sin in future; and [6] to consume one’s self in obedience of Allah as one thus far consumed one’s self in His disobedience. (Mazhari). In fact, all of the conditions of ‘tawbah’ put forward by Sayyidna Ali  are recognized by all the scholars. However, some have described them concisely and others in details. َٰ ُۡ َ َّ َۡ ُۡ ‫عس َر ُّبك ان ُّيك ِف َر ع ۡنك‬ “It is hoped from your Lord that he will write off your faults...”(66:8) NISBAH 58 The verb  ‘asa  means ‘it is hoped’. In this context, it purports to mean ‘promise’, but the expression of ‘hope’ is used to indicate that tawbah or any other righteous deeds are not the just and equal price for the Paradise or the divine forgiveness. In fact, one compensation for man’s good deeds has already been given to him in this world in the form of worldly blessings. Therefore, as regards the law of equality, it is not necessary that he is further compensated by the Jannah. It entirely depends on Divine grace and favour as is mentioned in a Hadith which says: ‘Your actions alone cannot salvage you.’ The Companions inquired: ‘O Messenger of Allah, not even you?’ He replied: ‘No, not even me unless the Divine grace and mercy covers me.’ (Bukhari and Muslim as quoted by Mazhari)