Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 56

Cover Story Tafsir by Mufti Shafi Usmani ‫رحمة اهلل عليه‬ Translated by Mufti Taqi Usmani ‫دامت بركاهتم‬ ُ ً ُ َّ ً َ ِ ّٰ َ ‫ت ۡو ُب ۡۤوا ِال الل ت ۡو َبة نص ۡوحا‬ “...turn to Allah with a faithful repentance...”(66:8) The word tawbah, literally, means ‘to turn’ or ‘to return’, in the sense of turning or withdrawing from sins. In the terminology of the Quran and Sunnah, it signifies ‘to regret committing sins in the past and to firmly resolve abstaining from them in future’. Tawbah is qualified in the verse by the word ‫ نصوح‬nasuh. If it is taken as the infinitive of nasahal nasihah, it signifies ‘to make pure and sincere’; and if it be derived from nasahah, it signifies ‘to repair clothes by sewing. In terms of the first meaning, the expression nasuh signifies sincere/fait hful (repentance) free from pretence and hypocrisy. In this interpretation, a sinner is required to regret the sins he has committed and NISBAH 56