Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 40

Keeping the Balance A transcript of a talk delivered by `Aalimah Nadia Sadiq Transcribed by Farheen Wani T he word character which is khulq in arabic means ‘a natural quality to do something’. Imam Ghazzali v says that good character means that you don’t force yourself to do something, it naturally comes out of you. That is called character. Without thinking, you don’t have to think to do that thing. That is your ikhlaq (character). So if that natural occurrence out of you is of good, like forgiveness, of smiling, of NISBAH 40 spending for people, of inviting people, of respecting our neighbors, of forgiving people, then that means that you are a person of good character. If you naturally have ill feelings and grudges in the heart towards people, this ia an indication of evil character. This is the way of knowing. For example, a person might not spend a lot in charity but that does not mean that his character is of stinginess. He can still be of a generous character, but he is just not spending because he does not have money or maybe he does not have the opportunity. Imam Ghazzali v writes that to give something is not a good character, rather to have trait in you that whenever you do things it naturally comes out of you, that is the trait of good character. Our scholars give an example of the outward beauty with the inward beauty. They say that if a person has pretty eyes but the rest of the features are not very pretty, you don’t call that person