Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 20

accept it partially; they accept only what they feel like, what their nafs (lower self ) allows them to accept in the worship of Allah  . If it’s easy on their nafs, they do it; and if it’s not easy on their nafs, they leave it. Allah  demands from all of us that we completely enter into this din (religion). The submission should be one hundred percent. Allah  says: ً َّ ٓ َ ۡ ّ ‫ۡ ُ ُ ف‬ ‫ادخل ۡوا ِ� السل کفة‬ ِ ِ “Enter Islam completely” (2:208) They should have total submission. There are some people who are given tawfeeq (ability) by Allah , and so they enter the submission of Allah  as much as they can. They try their very best, at least they struggle. They don’t have this thing in their hearts that, ‘I’m going to disobey Allah .’ They slip, being human beings, but at the same time they have this thing in their heart that they want to submit completely. They try and go against their nafs, but because they are humans, Shayṭan (Satan) comes and whispers. They sometimes go off track but they realize right away that they have committed a mistake and do tawbah (repentance), and then come back on track. Gaining Closeness to Allah I Allah  says that the criteria to be close to Him is not about the quantity of amaal (actions) you do. The criteria is something else; the criteria is the acceptance of those amaal. It might be that there is a person who does all these things that I mentioned, but if they are not accepted by Allah , then everything he does is going to waste. There is absolutely no value – getting up for tahajjud (voluntary night prayer), praying one third of the night, and doing all of these tasbihat (praises of Allah ) and muraqabah (remembrance of the heart). If that is not accepted by Allah , then it’s all going to be a waste. So the word that’s used for acceptance is called qubul. ۡ ّٰ ُ َ َ ‫اِ نَّ�ا َي َتق َّبل الل ِمن ال َّت ِق ۡ ي نَ‏‬ � ُ َ ُ “Allah only accepts from the people of Taqwa (who leave sins)” (5:27)